Author Topic: Takeshi Nakamura  (Read 2906 times)


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Takeshi Nakamura
« on: October 13, 2016, 11:46:39 PM »

Name: Takeshi Nakamura

Age: 18

Species and Gender: Male Snow Leopard Faunus

Occupation: First Year Beacon Student/ Assassin For Hire

Appearance: Takeshi is 6'0" and 180lbs of lean muscle. He is an albino with white hair and piercing blue eyes. He has a long, slightly crooked nose the hooks upwards at the end and has an oval face with a strong jaw line. He wears the school uniform at all times, but does not bother to button his shirt or jacket. Along the length of his neck is a scar that he keeps covered with a black scarf. He always wears black combat boots that look like they've been through a lot of wear and tear.

History: Takeshi was born to a prostitute in the edges of Vale. Unwilling and unable to take care of him, his mother left him in an alleyway one night. After years of living on the streets as a beggar, one man convinced him to live with him. Takeshi being only 8 at the time, believed the man had good intentions. This man would become Takeshi's own personal devil. This man took Takeshi in with the intent to use him as much as possible for the rest of his life.He was forced to do anything the man wanted under the threat of being beaten and starved. Takeshi was constantly beaten and left in a locked room for weeks anytime he didn't respond or refused to follow an order. One day, the man got so enraged that he beat Takeshi into a coma. He managed to recover from the wounds but from that point on, he was deaf. But Takeshi quickly learned to read his lips and always kept an eye on him, so he wouldn't be caught off guard. Whenever the man left to do his business, Takeshi was fortunate enough to have an old lady nearby teach him sign language and improve his reading and writing skills. When she could, she also tried to feed him and keep him patched up. Over the years, she basically was his only source of education and connection to the outside world. During that time, she taught him the difference between right and wrong. One day when Takeshi was 8, the man had found out about his lessons and attacked the old lady. From that point on, he never saw her again. The next day, the man decided to take Takeshi to work with him. The man worked for a crime organization in the city selling narcotics. Everyday Takeshi stood next to him and watched what he did for a living. The man even took him to meetings with his higher-ups, assuming that because he was deaf, he couldn't give them away. And so for years he watched and kept track of every single detail. When he turned 10, Takeshi calmly walked into a nearby police station and handed them all the evidence he had been collecting and pointed them towards his owner. The man was in jail that night and had sworn to Takeshi as he passed by him that he would escape one day and find him. From that point on, Takeshi was shuffled from foster home to foster home, until he ended up running away. During a particularly harsh winter, a man found Takeshi huddled up in an alleyway near death. Taking pity on him, the man carried him to his home and nursed him back to health. The man who took him in was a retired Huntsman who had been blinded on a mission. Despite his wound, the old Huntsman was still exceptionally skilled and would practice everyday in front of Takeshi. After months of begging, Takeshi managed to convince the old man to teach him. Six years later, the old man decided that he had taught all he could. He handed Takeshi his old weapon and a letter of recommendation to a nearby academy.After two years he managed to graduate the school. His grades were not the best, but he worked hard to improve his knowledge in every field he could. Due to his upbringing and training, Takeshi gained a reputation at the school for being unnecessarily brutal and difficult to work with. It was a struggle for any of his teammates to communicate with him while in battle, and along with his attitude, he never stayed on a team for long. After graduating, Takeshi signed up for Beacon Academy and managed to pass the entrance test, scraping by in his non-combat tests.   

Personality: Takeshi is naturally very quiet. Though he is able to speak, it is heavily garbled and difficult for most people to understand without concentrating on his words. Takeshi lived a very closeted life and has a skewed concept of morality. He has no conscience to speak of and does not understand what it means to live a "normal" life. Takeshi is very slow to anger and does not like to rush. He will contemplate something for a while before deciding what to do because he has seen rash people end up dead very quickly. He is logical and methodical in and out of combat, but does not easily ask for advice or assistance. He is determined to put an end to the criminal underworld in Vale, and will not forgive anyone who breaks the law.

Aura and Semblance: Takeshi's aura is a dark crimson red and his semblance is Conversion. Takeshi can turn his aura into another form of energy  He usually uses it to form lightning, which he can then hurl at his opponents. These lightning bolts can hit as hard as natural ones, but cost him 20% of his aura and take over a minute and a half to form. It is best used before combat to surprise an enemy and quickly eliminate them. Takeshi can also throw much smaller bolts or provide enough electricity to short out basic electronics, which only take up 1% of his aura.

Combat Behavior: Takeshi prefers to take out his opponent without their knowledge, and barring that as quickly as possible. He fights at extremely close range and tries to overwhelm his opponent before they can form a strategy or properly put up their defenses. When he knows there is a battle coming up, he will always try to prepare for it and study his opponent before going in. Due to being deaf, he prefers to only fight one person at a time so that he can't be surprised from behind. Takeshi has limited range options and not much armor and instead focuses on blindingly fast attacks. He can dish out a lot of damage very fast, but can be taken out easily with a few powerful hits. He is extremely stubborn in combat and will continue to fight with injuries until he completely collapses.


Name: Kotegiri Masamune

Primary Form: Takeshi's weapon is a katana made by his old mentor. The weapon was designed to work with his speed and dexterity in mind. It is made from some of the best steel in the world, and is  difficult to shatter. The blade can withstand up to 500lbs of force and temperatures exceeding 1,000F. The center of the katana is hollow, which gives it a very distinct humming sound when swung through the air. In the hilt of the blade is a dust injection device that coats the blade along the etchings with whatever dust he chooses, changing how the blade glows. The sheath that comes with the blade is also made with the same steel as the sword, making it very durable and useful for blocking enemy attacks.

Dust Functions: With fire dust, Takeshi can ignite his blade to extremely high temperatures, allowing him to set objects it is in contact with on fire within a few seconds. With ice dust, the blade will freeze anything in comes in contact with in a foot radius. With wind dust, the blade can create strong gusts of wind with a swing. With propulsion dust, Takeshi can repel an enemy's weapon. Lighting dust creates a static charge around the blade that works similar to a taser when it comes in contact with a surface. The hilt can only hold up to ten cartridges at a time and have to be pre-loaded before hand.

History: The blade was handed down to him by the mentor that taught him how to fight and survive as a hunter. Before him, the blade was used by his mentor for over a decade protecting the people of Vale.


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Re: Takeshi Nakamura
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2016, 11:47:51 PM »
This is an already approved character from the older site. Just need to be added to the approved character list.


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Re: Takeshi Nakamura
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 12:48:25 AM »
Transfer approved.
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

Worldbuilding: ShowHide

Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization