Author Topic: Sophea Devi Visorith  (Read 9675 times)


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Sophea Devi Visorith
« on: September 11, 2016, 03:13:01 PM »


Name: Sophea Devi Visorith

Nickname: Sophie

Age: 22, Born 28 Amare 57 A.C.

Species and Gender: Human, Female

Symbol: -


Beacon Nurse - Sophea has spent a majority of her life dealing with medicine and health with a good portion of that time as a doctor's aide doing hands-on work back in home village, Phoumi. Sophea gained a formal education when she moved to Vale which allowed her to refine her own practices and give her the credibility she needed to enter Vale's medical field, inserting herself as a Beacon nurse.

Sophea's skills, her semblance in particular, lend themselves well to nursing and was a major factor in her employment. If necessary, she can also be deployed as a field or combat medic. Aside from nursing, Sophea also was given permission to run auxiliary services like crafting diets that cater to an individual's needs and setting up exercise regiments for those that request it.

Education: Sophea's early primary schooling came in the form of Phoumi's only public school and additional homeschooling from her mother. After a few years when she became more self-sufficient, Sophea took it upon herself to learn and no longer relied on the schooling though she still received some help from her mother.

Sophea didn't receive a formal education until she moved to Vale (Phoumi's school not counting as such though it was still decent). When she moved to the city, she immediately started looking into higher-end academies and settled on a university that was known for its excellent medical program. Sophea passed its entrance exam with ease, and with her unique background, she was able to get accepted.

From 75A.C. to 79 A.C., Sophea put her studious nature to good use and went for a double major in Nursing and Health and minored in Health Communications and Biochemistry (her doorway into Pharmacy if she so desires). She graduated with honor and distinction.

Physical Characteristics:

General Health - Sophea is considered to be in excellent health. Her diet, which used to be based upon Vale's suggested recommendations, has since been optimized for her lifestyle of doing very little labor outside of her exercise regimen and yet being able to maintain high-energy in demanding situations.

Sophea's weekly exercise routine is intended to strengthen both her physical and mental endurance. By pairing long sessions with arduous mental tasks that require a considerable amount of concentration, she trains until both her mind and her body end up failing. Because of the amount of strain this ends up putting on her body, Sophea only does this in the safety of her home where she can cool down and relax without worry. On three other days of the weeks, she focuses of her physical endurance with a dash of minor mental tasks.

General Body - Sophea stands above a majority of other women at 5'8"(~173cm) and she weighs in at a health 140lbs(~64kg). Sophea's skin is a slightly lighter version of color of peanut shells, though in terms of texture, they are on the polar ends of the spectrums, her skin being soft and silky-smooth. Her body is toned and sits somewhere between average and lean, and her measurements are slightly below average compared to others with similar physical characteristics. She is free from blemishes. [ ]

Head and Face - Sophea's hair is a smooth, chocolate-brown that parts above her left eye, her bangs sweeping across her forehead and skirting just over her right eye. It glows with a natural sheen built up from years of careful management. Most of Sophea's hairs reach down to the lower end of her shoulder-blades and tapers off a few inches below that. Rarely does Sophea keep her hair undone. She typically has it up in a bun either as a messy bun or a neat bun with an elegant yet modest metal hair-stick (which can also be used with her semblance). On more casual occasions or when she intends to do much physical activity, she wears it in a simple ponytail. [ ]

Sophea's eyes are a deep sapphire blue and beautifully glisten just the same when they catch light just right. Her eyes often exhibit some combination of confidence, determination, curiosity, and readiness. Sophea's vision is far above average sitting at a solid 20/10. [ ]

Her cheeks are both soft and round giving her face a pretty and cute vibe; her small and soft nose serves the same purpose. Sophea's lips are medium-thin and they aid in making her look more mature and feminine. She never puts makeup on her lips.

Sophea wears no synthetic makeups though she knows they aren't entirely bad. Instead, she chooses to create her own natural products from scratch (or at least as close to scratch as possible). Sophea keeps her makeup to a minimum.


Casual Wear - Sophea dons a sky-blue shirt under an unzipped, pale-green light jacket, or in colder weather, a similarly colored parka. On her lower body, she slips on either a beige, cotton long-skirt cutting off at her ankles with white flat-heeled sandals or dark-blue denim jeans with black sneakers, the bottom half of the sneakers being white. From time to time, she will walk around barefooted just to make sure her feet don't get too comfortable. Sophea's hair is usually in a ponytail, her nails are rarely painted, and she carries around a book. Over her shoulder hangs a small, black, leather handbag containing her compacted weapons and a small, clear container housing several small sewing needles. [ ]

Formal Wear - Sophea adorns herself in a slim, sleeveless black dress that cuts off at her knees, low-heeled black dress-sandals, a blue-silver hair-stick, and pearl-studded earrings which were inherited from her mother. [ ]

Work Wear - Sophea wears Beacon's designated nurse uniform and compliments it with a neat hair-bun.

History: Sophea was born in Phoumi of The Eastern Domain. While her parents were both excellent fighters, her father being the guards-captain and her mother being a Huntress, Sophea herself wasn't interested in such prospects. Instead, she chose to play more supportive roles in the village, her interests focusing in on sewing, cooking, and nursing.

Through nursing, Sophea was able to witness the work of the village doctors firsthand and grew enamored with their efforts; her dream turned toward wanting to be like them. Sophea would often badger her mother with requests to bring back health-related books from her bimonthly visits to the city, and her mother would always oblige. When she wasn't working or keeping herself alive and healthy, Sophea would spend her free time solely studying the books that her mother brought back, and it was often the case that what books her mother brought her were not enough to last until the next visit. For that reason, Sophea started joining her mother on her voyages to the city for though it was also because Sophea had reached a point in her studies where she was searching for very specific books and it would have been too much of a burden on her mother to search for them. By joining her mother in her visits to the city, Sophea got two birds with one stone and she was pretty satisfied.

When she was 16, Sophea's father was gravely injured during a mission, the mission being much more dangerous than everyone expected. After some deliberation from her mother, Sophea's little brother Mao, who had been training under their father, was to be sent to the city to attend Signal. Her mother asked that Sophea accompany him, not only for his supervision but also so Sophea could receive a formal education. She agreed to do so. Soon after leaving, her father succumbed to his injuries.

Sophea and Mao moved into a decently-sized apartment, though because Mao roomed at Signal during the academic year, she had the place to herself. Sophea was accepted into a university and spent most of her time with her studies. During this time, she put aside some spare time to also learn how to fight. Though Sophea didn't want to learn when she was younger, she wasn't sure what to expect as a city resident and decided that self-defense would be a good enough reason for her. To Sophea's surprise, she ended up enjoying it and added it to her list of hobbies, sparring regularly with her instructor and with Mao over the summers. This continued on for four years.

After four years, Sophea graduated from her university and went on to land a job at Beacon as a nurse where she continues to study unofficially.

Personality: Sophea is most easily described as ambitious. Whether it be working toward her dreams or working to work, she always puts her best foot forward in hopes of surpassing all expectations. Her determination and passion for her line of work leads to her being incredibly hard-working and studious and she is not one to back down to adversity. Her tenacity to be the best that she can possibly be knows no bounds.

Sophea is very genuine, so much so that once a person knows her enough, she can be read like an open book. She never lies maliciously, and Sophea will often speak so bluntly that she might as well have a club, also, to add injury to insult. Still, she is pretty friendly person once someone gets to know her and she enjoys listening to people and their stories.

Though she is often using up her free-time on reading, research and other tasks and hobbies, Sophea has been trying to make an effort to build and maintain a healthy social life as well. Social persons don't really like hanging around with apparent-workaholics which makes things tough for her. Using her hobbies as her pillars of support, she has been trying to reach out to those with similar interests. Though Sophea has been unsuccessful so far, she remains steadfast. Also, she is open to romantic relationships but realistically does not have the time for them.

When dealing with strenuous situations alone, Sophea able to keep her cool and focus on the task at hand; she doesn't get distracted easily. Sophea tries to work out things as efficiently and cleanly as possible, and she refuses to take shortcuts in order to meet whatever goals she may face. If Sophea were to fail a task, she would get annoyed at herself and she would use that to fuel her determination to better herself. If Sophea were to fail a task as a result of her making a mistake, she would beat herself up to a pulp and effectively become a shut-in, only coming out for her job, as she works on mending whatever issue is haunting her.

Sophea doesn't often work through strenuous situations with others. If she were to, Sophea would usually be the one to take the reins. She'd prefer not to as Sophea would rather put all her attention into the work that would need to be done. She wouldn't necessarily hold high expectations for her comrades, but if someone were purposely not trying their best and were unable to do their job, Sophea would get pretty upset (note: understatement). If the group were to fail, Sophea would be annoyed at being unable to complete the task in the same way as if she were alone. She wouldn't chew out any of her comrades unless they weren't pulling their weight.

Sophea's hobbies include but are not limited to reading, cooking and baking, knitting and sewing, dancing, singing, horseback-riding, and to a lesser degree, fighting.

Aura and Semblance:
Sapphire Blue (#0F52BA)

Sophea's semblance allows her to tether her aura to a finely-pointed object--usually one of her needles, rapiers, or her hair-stick--and 'inject' it into another person by pressing such an object against a person's skin (puncturing skin not needed) wherever the point of interest lies; she simply calls it Body Monitoring (true name: Karbah Tevta or Angel's Touch). Using up a decent amount of her concentration, this lets her monitor a person's physical condition and detect anomalies including but not limited to broken or fractured bones, internal bleeding, nerve damage, abnormal heart rate, high or low blood sugar levels and pressure, and common diseases. For physical injuries such as broken or fractured bones and internal bleeding, Sophea's semblance is speed up the repair and recovery process by half if she were to be by a patient's side the entire time which generally isn't the case. Sophea can also disrupt and dampen nerves which helps when patients are in severe pain and painkillers or anesthetic are either ineffective or in short supply; for extreme cases, she is able to induce sleep. Passively, Karbah Tevta allows here to heal and recover twice as fast for 25% more aura cost than normal. Its detection ability uses an insignificant amount of aura and the costs of its healing effects are the same as when her body is mending itself.

Technically, Sophea can use this technique to cause harm, but it's difficult to use effectively and she would rather not do it unless she were in a dire situation.

Combat Behavior: Sophea is able to fight with her rapiers and her fists. Though they utilize different trains of thought, they follow the same philosophy.

Sophea's main strengths are her perception, intelligence, agility, and stamina. She is able to read her opponent's bodies to get a feel of their physical strengths and weaknesses as well predict their next moves. Sophea's intelligence guides her onto the most efficient or effective path of action, her agility allows her to follow through, dodging or flowing with her opponent's attack paths to minimize damage and strike her opponent, and her stamina allows her to draw out fights to wear down her opponent.

While Sophea is theoretically an excellent fighter, it is still only theoretical as she still relies on logic and theory instead of instinct when fighting. All of her combat experience comes from sparring which makes her combat readings and predictions pretty unreliable until she is able to learn an individual's behaviors; she is easily caught off guard if an opponent pulls out something unexpected. Sophea relies heavily on momentum in terms of maintaining a comfortable tempo and her plans panning out, and if she fails in one of those aspects against someone better than her, she struggles to get back into the fight. She and her weapons are highly susceptible to damage so blocking is rarely an optimal means of defense. Finally, while Sophea is a fit and athletic individual, her strength is still pretty low compared to other fighters though it is definitely above an average person's. Sophea is also vulnerable to ranged fighters because she has no ranged capabilities of her own.

When fighting with her rapiers, Sophea likes to keep her distance. There will be times when it gives her opponent the advantage but she is willing to give it up if it means being able to utilize her own strengths to the fullest. Until Sophea can find a solid opening, she avoids damage by any means necessary whether it be through dodging or redirecting attacks with her swords. This style of fighting lends itself to fighting as efficiently as possible while also being able to definitively end fights.

The major weakness of her rapier style, besides ranged fighters, are aggressive fist fighters that are able to get into her space and keep up with her movements. She would be unable to land thrusts at such a short range and would lose likely 100% of the time if she were to continue using her swords. When Sophea encounters such a fighter, she discards her weapons and engages in fisticuffs.

While Sophea's sword style is passive, she really switches gears into when fighting with her fists. She still likes to keep her distance so she can watch the movements of her opponents, but when she engages, Sophea likes to stick as close to them as possible if or when they are using weapons. When she gets in close, Sophea tries to manipulate the movements of her opponents with her own in an effort to make them as uncomfortable as possible, and when the opportunity presents itself, she disarms them or throws them off balance and subdues them. Sophea rarely uses her fists against armed opponents, though. She mainly uses it against other fist fighters and her strategy is identical to her weapon-vs-weapon strategy except that instead of aiming for vitals, she only aims for hits that will throw them off balance.

The problem with Sophea's fist-fighting style is that she is likely to be considered physically weak compared to competent fighters. This means that she is unable to brute-force her way to victory by landing blows. While throwing opponents off balance, disarming, and subduing them is all fine and dandy, it carries no guarantees of winning a fight. Sophea is also left with no defenses except her dodging, and redirecting attacks is much more difficult and dangerous.


Name: Mchoul De Veng

Primary Form: Mchoul De Veng are a pair of rapiers similar to epées except their blade are much more rigid. Mchoul De Veng's 3' steel blades do not differ much from default color sitting at a metallic grey while the hand-guard and handle are polished silver with a white cloth being wrapped around the handle. In the hilt is a dust compartment with an ejection site at the base of the handle; this gives Sophea's thrusts more power when activated. The rapiers are able to compress themselves into comically large, but still functional, knitting needles. She normally carries them around compressed.

Dust Functions:
Propulsion Dust: Gives Sophea's jabs more thrusting power.

History: Not long after she began to learn how to fight, Sophea dabbled a bit in weapon design and thought something up in her free time. Because the weapons are pretty simple, it was a pretty easy task and didn't take too much time. Sophea took her design to a Frourian craftsman who had moved to the city, and after hammering out some small kinks in the design, it was completed shortly after.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 06:42:23 PM by Kaliot »
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

Worldbuilding: ShowHide

Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Sophea Devi Visorith
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 03:23:19 PM »
Changed color from Pink to Sapphire Blue.

Old Profile
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

Worldbuilding: ShowHide

Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Sophea Devi Visorith
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 08:09:12 PM »
Pink was a better color. Denied.

White Fang: ShowHide

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White Fang Captain: Blacksmith - "To create, is to destroy. It's that simple."

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F̷̢͕͍̦̥̯̻̪̙ị̯̲̺̱r͏̻͉s̗t̛̻̼̣̞͔̤ ̸͘҉̲̠̖̭͕Y͓̣̣̲e̬͖̮̠͎̙̗͚a͙r̴̝͉̫͜,̺̣̕ ͔͎̰̯͓Ṭ̠̥͢͠ͅe̫͖̲̹̻̙͕͔͢a̺̫̼̝͔̕͠ḿ͚͚̙̪̻̗͚̝ͅ ̧͉̻͖̗̮̼͈͎̀͝Z͕͍̫C̵͈͈̖̯͎̖F̧̘̭͈͚̜R͈͚͖̣̝͔̰̘͈:͎̫̟̩̬̫̹ ̷̠̭͈̘͖͚F̠̟͈̜͍̫̠e͖͓͉͍͞n̵̰̗̘͈̹͞i̙̭̱̻x̵̦͠ ̷̙͈͈̠͎͉̮̺C̵͇̪̠e͕̟̟̙̻r̰̮̟͓̜̪̩u̯̞͉̥ͅl̺̪̝̣͢ę̥̲̹̹̜̼̳̘a͈̭͎͘͝ǹ̸̻͉̳͍͉̘̝ ̴̝̣̼͇̀̕ͅ-̡̼͚̪̱̻̪̙̠ ̖̬̠̠̪͎́"̸̜̙̣̠͚̻̲Ṣ̢̰͎̟͖̥̤ͅt̛̻̘̯̝͇ͅà҉̤͉͖ņ̯̘͚̮d̷͙̭͇̹ ̲̳̗̞͠͡b̞̣̲̪̳̖̯̭͡è̷̳̰̻̤̖͈͓̠h̶͕̦̭͚͎̠͎͜i̶̫͎͜n̵͙̙̹̳d̹ ̢̙̰̙̰́m̢̖̼̺̦͉͇̫̣͎e̼̼̞ͅ,̲͇͍̫̱͜ ́͏̲̯̳͎ͅI͈̣̰͙̝͈͚͢͞ ̛͙͙̤͚̬͜w̧͓̩̙͇͝į̭̦̹̜ͅĺ̙l̺͕̖̻̳̭̙͘ ̵̪̝̜͜p̛͉̺̻͢r̮̙̗͕̞̬o̡͝҉̞͉̖̼̪̪t͖͕ȩ̸̩̳c̹̯̘͓t̙̤̠͎͖̦̯͠ ͇̗͕͉̥y̵̷̮͙̮̭͙̱̪̝ͅo̶͉͈͎͓̮͇͈͍̘u̘͙̣͘͘.̲̖̫̬̦̤̤̀͝ͅ"҉̼̬͕͞

Fourth Year: Noir - "To see nothing, is to truly see the world."

Head of White Fang Investigation Team: Eklipsei Gray - "I bring justice to the darkness in this kingdom."

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Third Year Vigilante: Sovereign LeBlanc - "For my next trick, I'll make your Lien disappear!"

Professor of Survival Training, Combat Tactics, and Miscellaneous Studies: Hunter d'Azur - "Alright kids, today's lesson is hide-and-seek. Try your best to hide!"

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Re: Sophea Devi Visorith
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2017, 12:53:17 PM »
Pre Edit: ShowHide

Name: Sophea Devi Visorith

Nickname: Sophie

Age: 22, Born 28 Amare 57 A.C.

Species and Gender: Human, Female

Symbol: -


Beacon Nurse - Sophea has spent a majority of her life dealing with medicine and health with a good portion of that time as a doctor's aide doing hands-on work back in home village, Phoumi. Sophea gained a formal education when she moved to Vale which allowed her to refine her own practices and give her the credibility she needed to enter Vale's medical field, inserting herself as a Beacon nurse.

Sophea's skills, her semblance in particular, lend themselves well to nursing and was a major factor in her employment. If necessary, she can also be deployed as a field or combat medic. Aside from nursing, Sophea also was given permission to run auxiliary services like crafting diets that cater to an individual's needs and setting up exercise regiments for those that request it.

Education: Sophea's early primary schooling came in the form of Phoumi's only public school and additional homeschooling from her mother. After a few years when she became more self-sufficient, Sophea took it upon herself to learn and no longer relied on the schooling though she still received some help from her mother.

Sophea didn't receive a formal education until she moved to Vale (Phoumi's school not counting as such though it was still decent). When she moved to the city, she immediately started looking into higher-end academies and settled on a university that was known for its excellent medical program. Sophea passed its entrance exam with ease, and with her unique background, she was able to get accepted.

From 75A.C. to 79 A.C., Sophea put her studious nature to good use and went for a double major in Nursing and Health and minored in Health Communications and Biochemistry (her doorway into Pharmacy if she so desires). She graduated with honor and distinction.

Physical Characteristics:

General Health - Sophea is considered to be in excellent health. Her diet, which used to be based upon Vale's suggested recommendations, has since been optimized for her lifestyle of doing very little labor outside of her exercise regimen and yet being able to maintain high-energy in demanding situations.

Sophea's weekly exercise routine is intended to strengthen both her physical and mental endurance. By pairing long sessions with arduous mental tasks that require a considerable amount of concentration, she trains until both her mind and her body end up failing. Because of the amount of strain this ends up putting on her body, Sophea only does this in the safety of her home where she can cool down and relax without worry. On three other days of the weeks, she focuses of her physical endurance with a dash of minor mental tasks.

General Body - Sophea stands above a majority of other women at 5'8"(~173cm) and she weighs in at a health 140lbs(~64kg). Sophea's skin is a slightly lighter version of color of peanut shells, though in terms of texture, they are on the polar ends of the spectrums, her skin being soft and silky-smooth. Her body is toned and sits somewhere between average and lean, and her measurements are slightly below average compared to others with similar physical characteristics. She is free from blemishes.

Head and Face - Sophea's hair is a smooth, chocolate-brown that parts above her left eye, her bangs sweeping across her forehead and skirting just over her right eye. It glows with a natural sheen built up from years of careful management. Most of Sophea's hairs reach down to the lower end of her shoulder-blades and tapers off a few inches below that. Rarely does Sophea keep her hair undone. She typically has it up in a bun either as a messy bun or a neat bun with an elegant yet modest metal hair-stick (which can also be used with her semblance). On more casual occasions or when she intends to do much physical activity, she wears it in a simple ponytail.

Sophea's eyes are a deep sapphire blue and beautifully glisten just the same when they catch light just right. Her eyes often exhibit some combination of confidence, determination, curiosity, and readiness. Sophea's vision is far above average sitting at a solid 20/10.

Her cheeks are both soft and round giving her face a pretty and cute vibe; her small and soft nose serves the same purpose. Sophea's lips are medium-thin and they aid in making her look more mature and feminine. She never puts makeup on her lips.

Sophea wears no synthetic makeups though she knows they aren't entirely bad. Instead, she chooses to create her own natural products from scratch (or at least as close to scratch as possible). Sophea keeps her makeup to a minimum.


Casual Wear - Sophea dons a sky-blue shirt under an unzipped, pale-green light jacket, or in colder weather, a similarly colored parka. On her lower body, she slips on either a beige, cotton long-skirt cutting off at her ankles with white flat-heeled sandals or dark-blue denim jeans with black sneakers, the bottom half of the sneakers being white. From time to time, she will walk around barefooted just to make sure her feet don't get too comfortable. Sophea's hair is usually in a ponytail, her nails are rarely painted, and she carries around a book. Over her shoulder hangs a small, black, leather handbag containing her compacted weapons and a small, clear container housing several small sewing needles.

Formal Wear - Sophea adorns herself in a thin(-sized), sleeveless black dress that cuts off at her knees, low-heeled black dress-sandals, a blue-silver hair-stick, and pearl-studded earrings which were inherited from her mother.

Work Wear - Sophea wears Beacon's designated nurse uniform and compliments it with her neat hair-bun.

History: Sophea was born in Phoumi of The Eastern Domain. While her parents were both excellent fighters, her father being the guards-captain and her mother being a Huntress, Sophea herself wasn't interested in such prospects. Instead, she chose to play more supportive roles in the village, her interests focusing in on sewing, cooking, and nursing.

Through nursing, Sophea was able to witness the work of the village doctors firsthand and grew enamored with their efforts; her dream turned toward wanting to be like them. Sophea would often badger her mother with requests to bring back health-related books from her bimonthly visits to the city, and her mother would always oblige. When she wasn't working or keeping herself alive and healthy, Sophea would spend her free time solely studying the books that her mother brought back, and it was often the case that what books her mother brought her were not enough to last until the next visit. For that reason, Sophea started joining her mother on her voyages to the city for though it was also because Sophea had reached a point in her studies where she was searching for very specific books and it would have been too much of a burden on her mother to search for them. By joining her mother in her visits to the city, Sophea got two birds with one stone and she was pretty satisfied.

When she was 16, Sophea's father was gravely injured during a mission, the mission being much more dangerous than everyone expected. After some deliberation from her mother, Sophea's little brother Mao, who had been training under their father, was to be sent to the city to attend Signal. Her mother asked that Sophea accompany him, not only for his supervision but also so Sophea could receive a formal education. She agreed to do so. Soon after leaving, her father succumbed to his injuries.

Sophea and Mao moved into a decently-sized apartment, though because Mao roomed at Signal during the academic year, she had the place to herself. Sophea was accepted into a university and spent most of her time with her studies. During this time, she put aside some spare time to also learn how to fight. Though Sophea didn't want to learn when she was younger, she wasn't sure what to expect as a city resident and decided that self-defense would be a good enough reason for her. To Sophea's surprise, she ended up enjoying it and added it to her list of hobbies, sparring regularly with her instructor and with Mao over the summers. This continued on for four years.

After four years, Sophea graduated from her university and went on to land a job at Beacon as a nurse where she continues to study unofficially.

Personality: Sophea is most easily described as ambitious. Whether it be working toward her dreams or working to work, she always puts her best foot forward in hopes of surpassing all expectations. Her determination and passion for her line of work leads to her being incredibly hard-working and studious and she is not one to back down to adversity. Her tenacity to be the best that she can possibly be knows no bounds.

Sophea is very genuine, so much so that once a person knows her enough, she can be read like an open book. She never lies maliciously, and Sophea will often speak so bluntly that she might as well have a club, also, to add injury to insult. Still, she is pretty friendly person once someone gets to know her and she enjoys listening to people and their stories.

Though she is often using up her free-time on reading, research and other tasks and hobbies, Sophea has been trying to make an effort to build and maintain a healthy social life as well. Social persons don't really like hanging around with apparent-workaholics which makes things tough for her. Using her hobbies as her pillars of support, she has been trying to reach out to those with similar interests. Though Sophea has been unsuccessful so far, she remains steadfast. Also, she is open to romantic relationships but realistically does not have the time for them.

When dealing with strenuous situations alone, Sophea able to keep her cool and focus on the task at hand; she doesn't get distracted easily. Sophea tries to work out things as efficiently and cleanly as possible, and she refuses to take shortcuts in order to meet whatever goals she may face. If Sophea were to fail a task, she would get annoyed at herself and she would use that to fuel her determination to better herself. If Sophea were to fail a task as a result of her making a mistake, she would beat herself up to a pulp and effectively become a shut-in, only coming out for her job, as she works on mending whatever issue is haunting her.

Sophea doesn't often work through strenuous situations with others. If she were to, Sophea would usually be the one to take the reins. She'd prefer not to as Sophea would rather put all her attention into the work that would need to be done. She wouldn't necessarily hold high expectations for her comrades, but if someone were purposely not trying their best and were unable to do their job, Sophea would get pretty upset (note: understatement). If the group were to fail, Sophea would be annoyed at being unable to complete the task in the same way as if she were alone. She wouldn't chew out any of her comrades unless they weren't pulling their weight.

Sophea's hobbies include but are not limited to reading, cooking and baking, knitting and sewing, dancing, singing, horseback-riding, and to a lesser degree, fighting.

Aura and Semblance:
Sapphire Blue (#0F52BA)

Sophea's semblance allows her to tether her aura to a finely-pointed object--usually one of her needles, rapiers, or her hair-stick--and 'inject' it into another person by pressing such an object against a person's skin (puncturing skin not needed) wherever the point of interest lies; she simply calls it Body Monitoring (true name: Karbah Tevta or Angel's Touch). Using up a decent amount of her concentration, this lets her monitor a person's physical condition and detect anomalies including but not limited to broken or fractured bones, internal bleeding, nerve damage, abnormal heart rate, high or low blood sugar levels and pressure, and common diseases. For physical injuries such as broken or fractured bones and internal bleeding, Sophea's semblance is speed up the repair and recovery process by half if she were to be by a patient's side the entire time which generally isn't the case. Sophea can also disrupt and dampen nerves which helps when patients are in severe pain and painkillers or anesthetic are either ineffective or in short supply; for extreme cases, she is able to induce sleep. Passively, Karbah Tevta allows here to heal and recover twice as fast for 25% more aura cost than normal. Its detection ability uses an insignificant amount of aura and the costs of its healing effects are the same as when her body is mending itself.

Technically, Sophea can use this technique to cause harm, but it's difficult to use effectively and she would rather not do it unless she were in a dire situation.

Combat Behavior: Sophea is able to fight with her rapiers and her fists. Though they utilize different trains of thought, they follow the same philosophy.

Sophea's main strengths are her perception, intelligence, agility, and stamina. She is able to read her opponent's bodies to get a feel of their physical strengths and weaknesses as well predict their next moves. Sophea's intelligence guides her onto the most efficient or effective path of action, her agility allows her to follow through, dodging or flowing with her opponent's attack paths to minimize damage and strike her opponent, and her stamina allows her to draw out fights to wear down her opponent.

While Sophea is theoretically an excellent fighter, it is still only theoretical as she still relies on logic and theory instead of instinct when fighting. All of her combat experience comes from sparring which makes her combat readings and predictions pretty unreliable until she is able to learn an individual's behaviors; she is easily caught off guard if an opponent pulls out something unexpected. Sophea relies heavily on momentum in terms of maintaining a comfortable tempo and her plans panning out, and if she fails in one of those aspects against someone better than her, she struggles to get back into the fight. She and her weapons are highly susceptible to damage so blocking is rarely an optimal means of defense. Finally, while Sophea is a fit and athletic individual, her strength is still pretty low compared to other fighters though it is definitely above an average person's. Sophea is also vulnerable to ranged fighters because she has no ranged capabilities of her own.

When fighting with her rapiers, Sophea likes to keep her distance. There will be times when it gives her opponent the advantage but she is willing to give it up if it means being able to utilize her own strengths to the fullest. Until Sophea can find a solid opening, she avoids damage by any means necessary whether it be through dodging or redirecting attacks with her swords. This style of fighting lends itself to fighting as efficiently as possible while also being able to definitively end fights.

The major weakness of her rapier style, besides ranged fighters, are aggressive fist fighters that are able to get into her space and keep up with her movements. She would be unable to land thrusts at such a short range and would lose likely 100% of the time if she were to continue using her swords. When Sophea encounters such a fighter, she discards her weapons and engages in fisticuffs.

While Sophea's sword style is passive, she really switches gears into when fighting with her fists. She still likes to keep her distance so she can watch the movements of her opponents, but when she engages, Sophea likes to stick as close to them as possible if or when they are using weapons. When she gets in close, Sophea tries to manipulate the movements of her opponents with her own in an effort to make them as uncomfortable as possible, and when the opportunity presents itself, she disarms them or throws them off balance and subdues them. Sophea rarely uses her fists against armed opponents, though. She mainly uses it against other fist fighters and her strategy is identical to her weapon-vs-weapon strategy except that instead of aiming for vitals, she only aims for hits that will throw them off balance.

The problem with Sophea's fist-fighting style is that she is likely to be considered physically weak compared to competent fighters. This means that she is unable to brute-force her way to victory by landing blows. While throwing opponents off balance, disarming, and subduing them is all fine and dandy, it carries no guarantees of winning a fight. Sophea is also left with no defenses except her dodging, and redirecting attacks is much more difficult and dangerous.


Name: Mchoul De Veng

Primary Form: Mchoul De Veng are a pair of rapiers similar to epées except their blade are much more rigid. Mchoul De Veng's 3' steel blades do not differ much from default color sitting at a metallic grey while the hand-guard and handle are polished silver with a white cloth being wrapped around the handle. In the hilt is a dust compartment with an ejection site at the base of the handle; this gives Sophea's thrusts more power when activated. The rapiers are able to compress themselves into comically large, but still functional, knitting needles. She normally carries them around compressed.

Dust Functions:
Propulsion Dust: Gives Sophea's jabs more thrusting power.

History: Not long after she began to learn how to fight, Sophea dabbled a bit in weapon design and thought something up in her free time. Because the weapons are pretty simple, it was a pretty easy task and didn't take too much time. Sophea took her design to a Frourian craftsman who had moved to the city, and after hammering out some small kinks in the design, it was completed shortly after.

Diana Levone - Beacon First year - Leader and Medic of team Digital (DGTL)
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Bastet Nin - Haven First year - Blinking Glaive Skirmisher of team Rewind (RWND)
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Re: Sophea Devi Visorith
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2017, 03:03:34 PM »
-Added color to headings
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Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Sophea Devi Visorith
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2017, 03:57:48 PM »
Edits approved

Diana Levone - Beacon First year - Leader and Medic of team Digital (DGTL)
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Bastet Nin - Haven First year - Blinking Glaive Skirmisher of team Rewind (RWND)
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