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Format Testing
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:39:34 PM »
Commercial District: Bordou Night Club
Basement/Second-Story Balcony/Dance Floor/Bar/Public Booths/VIP Booths

Izumi Cremisi
Attire: Normal-casual/Normal-combat/School uniform/Pajamas/Bathing suit/Winter clothing/Terrible disguise/Great disguise/Halloween costume (sexy frog)/Ceremonial clothing/Formal/Semi-formal/Old and ragged
Weapons: Dust gauntlets (visible), Small knife (hidden)
Aura: 0-5% 6-15% 16-25% 26-35% 36-45% 46-54% 55-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-94% 95-100% | 100% 49% (-51% [severe damage]) | 49% 100% (+51% [night's rest])
Fatigue: 0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-40%, 41-45%, 46-54% 56-60%, 61-70%, 71-80%, 81-90%, 91-100%
Dust Supply: [(Fire) 34% | (Lightning) 29% | (Water) 29% | (Wind) 71% | (Earth) 92% | (Attraction) 54% | (Propulsion) 2%]
General Vicinity: Club patrons
Immediate Vicinity: Matthew, Shadow, Icarus, Poseidon, Jackson, Queenie, Phantom, Dad, Ozpin, Ruby, Qrow, Best Girl Cinder, Best Boy Neptune, Fall Maiden

There were ten but now only one.
Hot cross buns.
Literally the worst team mod.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 06:23:31 PM by Kaliot »
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 07:55:19 AM »
neptune is absolutely the best guy, glad the mods support it.
We can't have three different signatures anymore? Fuck the new board that's it I'm out.

Note for anyone who actually reads my character profiles: They're all jokes. Like...seriously. Anything that seems dumb is probably intentional, and even if it isn't I'll say it is to avoid admitting that I'm anything less than perfection.

Cael DeWitt

Francis Haldstrom

Hyacacinth Makal

William Staniforth Donahue


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 08:21:45 AM »
There is at least one false statement in there, Kal.

I trust you can identify it.
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Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 03:19:18 PM »
You're right, fixed!
Pyre Persephone Delanto


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Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 05:52:25 PM »
...Well, you did fix that one, but the false statement is still present.

It's the one about the mod
Characters: ShowHide
Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 06:10:45 PM »
I see I see. The mistake has been rectified.
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Test Post
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 07:05:28 PM »
Beacon Academy

Aurelia Caelius
Attire: Beacon school uniform
Weapons: None visible
Aura: 100%
Fatigue: 32% (+32% [training])
General Vicinity: Beacon Academy students
Immediate Vicinity: Ulla Valentine, Raine Sjo, Meztli Taylor

Aurelia was having a hard time eating her lunch. labored breaths taking the place of her food between bites. It wasn't that the food was bad-quite the opposite since she actually loved it-but today's morning training session had really did a number on her for reasons she couldn't explain. Her three companions hadn't touched their food yet, eyeing Aurelia down from the moment they had settled on their current spot. Finally, Meztli broke the silence.

"You mustn't overwork yourself, Aurelia."

"But-!" Aurelia attempted to rebut but was preemptively cut off by Ulla's fist slamming against the table. Other students briefly turned to inspect the commotion then continued their with business. "But the Vytal tournament is a couple weeks away? It's okay to work hard, but you have to give yourself some room to breath now and again. Otherwise, you're just hurting yourself andus."

Raine sighed before taking a sip of his water. "She's right. If something happens due to your overexertion, it may cost us heavily during the tournament. And you and I both know that neither of us want that to happen."

Aurelia scooted her food forward, rested her elbows on the table, and laid her forehead into her hands. "You're right, the tournament is really messing with me. All this pressure has really gotten to my head. Thanks, guys." She lifted her head up and smiled, her teammates reciprocating the gesture. Ulla scooched over and placed an arm around her friend, and the boys finally got to dig in.

Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2017, 08:47:51 PM »
Lel. You need to add a "not" before "team" :P

...Although I suppose you're technically the worst and best, most amazing team mod, since you're soloing that ship.
Characters: ShowHide
Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 07:53:53 PM »
I think I'm done adding stuff (for now at least). The corners are there for shits and giggles (mostly) and elements can removed as needed.

  • Location: Keep tabs on where your character is as well as your peers'. Mainly for large, open threads like dances but is applicable in other situations such as being in a large area (a village, mall, mansion/estate, cave system, the Academies, etc.).
  • Name: Basically just for clarity. Sometimes people don't mention their characters' names in posts. Also it looks nice (I'd like to think, anyway).
  • Attire: Explaining clothing in-post can be a bit awkward. This keeps it out of the way. Also useful if your character may have many outfits or for special occasions. Also also serves to remind people who may have forgotten since the first post.
  • Weapons: Just to keep inventory. I have characters (Izumi and Mao) that are often without their weapons in public while others (Sophea, Avery, Airi, and Aurelia) may. Also keeps tabs on hidden weapons so no weapons should be materializing out of thin air. I'd rather not have to explain what they have or don't have whenever I enter a thread (same principle as Attire section).
  • Aura and Fatigue: Self-explanatory. Mainly for combat, but fatigue can be used for other stuff.
  • General Vicinity: Mostly just for background info regarding the environment.
  • Immediate Vicinity: Keep tabs on who's around your character so no mix-ups can happen.

And with that, I would like to invite thoughts and comments. What's good, what's bad, what can be added or removed?

I would prefer it if it were "highly recommended" for large, open threads since everyone who has been involved with those know how messy and confusing things can get. Optional otherwise. Hell, I might just start personally using it because that's how terrible and gaudy I am.
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 08:15:45 PM »
I personally love it. Are you recommending this for every single post, or just the first post for each character in a thread? And can we get some hot hot BB code for this?
We can't have three different signatures anymore? Fuck the new board that's it I'm out.

Note for anyone who actually reads my character profiles: They're all jokes. Like...seriously. Anything that seems dumb is probably intentional, and even if it isn't I'll say it is to avoid admitting that I'm anything less than perfection.

Cael DeWitt

Francis Haldstrom

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William Staniforth Donahue


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2017, 08:49:21 PM »
For messy open threads, definitely every post since who knows what will be happening in those. Outside of those, the minimum would be for every update to one of the elements. You can probably get away with just using it once if everything is basic or non-applicable (static environment [eating lunch in Beacon cafeteria with team] which covers location and vicinities, typical attire like school uniform, non-combat situation). I intend to use it for every post or every other post if that gets too messy.

Wasn't sure what I should keep and what I should remove. Took out everything but Aura and Fatigue since there are so many colors for them. Took out Dust since those colors were much simpler. Ultimately the colors are up to the poster. Heck, colors can be cut out entirely if you feel like it. Side note: Only use one Aura display at a time, the first being for static and the other two being for changes. This can also be done with Fatigue but I didn't add that in; it works the same way except increasing Fatigue would be a red (+) change and decreasing would be a green (-) change.

Spoiler: ShowHide
Code: [Select]
[font=andale mono][size=13pt][b][color=COLOR][font=georgia]Name[/font][/color][/b][/size]
Weapons: [color=#FFFFFF]Weapon (visible)[/color][color=#444444], Weapon (hidden)[/color]
Aura: [color=#FF0000]0-5%[/color] [color=#FF4400]6-15%[/color] [color=#ff7A00]16-25%[/color] [color=#FFAD00]26-35%[/color] [color=#FFCF00]36-45%[/color] [color=#FFFF00]46-54%[/color] [color=#CFFF00]55-64%[/color] [color=#ADFF00]65-74%[/color] [color=#7AFF00]75-84%[/color] [color=#44FF00]85-94%[/color] [color=#00FF00]95-100%[/color] | [color=#00FF00]%[/color] [size=8pt]►[/size] [color=#FFFF00]%[/color] ([color=red]-%[/color] [cause]) | [color=#FFFF00]%[/color] [size=8pt]►[/size][color=#00FF00]%[/color] ([color=green]+%[/color] [cause])
Fatigue: [color=#33CCEE]0-10%[/color], [color=#55BBCC]11-20%[/color], [color=#77AAAA]21-30%[/color], [color=#779999]31-40%[/color], [color=#778888] 41-45%[/color], [color=#777777]46-54%[/color] [color=#887777]56-60%[/color], [color=#997777]61-70%[/color], [color=#AA7777]71-80%[/color], [color=#CC5555]81-90%[/color], [color=#EE3333]91-100%[/color]
Dust Supply:
General Vicinity:
Immediate Vicinity: [/size]

Edit: What you could do is spoiler everything under the name then bring out/reveal anything that gets updated.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 03:28:58 PM by Kaliot »
Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

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Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization


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Re: Format Testing
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2018, 12:13:13 AM »
So I don't forget

Pyre Persephone Delanto


Characters: ShowHide

Sophea Devi Visorith - Beacon Nurse, Gardener, Health Nut, Scholar
Mao Visorith - First-Year Beacon Student, Team SFF[M]
Aurelia Caelius - Beacon Graduate, Huntress, Team [A]URM
Izumi Cremisi - Member of Obsidian Rose, Assassin, Thief, Arcade Enthusiast
Airi Fogden Bicardi - Second-Year Atlas Student, Family Heiress
Avery LeBlanc - Third-Year Atlas Student, Triplet, Duelist, Manipulator, Team SA[L]T | Threads [Team: ]
Yu Mei - Third-Year Haven Student
Suna Arevik - First-Year Shade Student, Scavenger-in-Training, Team S[S]MR
Mara Lev - Mercenary, de facto Leader of Siren

Worldbuilding: ShowHide

Mahava Plains - The bastion of Eastern Sanus
Obsidian Rose - Valish Criminal Organization