Author Topic: Fanon statistics 2: Electric RWBooYloo (Now with survey stats)  (Read 4299 times)


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    So it's over a year since I posted my original stats thread and a lot of improvements have been made since then so figured it was about time to update you all. I did consider just updating that thread but may end up using some of that stuff again later (though probably not)

    For those of you not familiar with me or my work, I started a spreadsheet cataloging all the characters last summer as we didn't really have any resource like that (and I needed something to keep my mind busy). What started off as a checklist of simple things has evolved into something pretty massive, that has only been possible thanks to the brilliant help I've gotten from MonsterManic, Kaliot, and Moth (Please give them a thumbsup next time you see them, I may still have done the most but it means the world to me that others have cared enough to help out).

    Spreadsheet stats

    I will summarize the main points here but if you ever want a look at the raw data, or just to browse out of interest the spreadsheet is open for anyone to take a look at (Always a link to it in my sig).

    Let's start simple with the number of approved characters, an additional 79 characters since last year. Making up 23% of our total 339 at this moment.

    Gender: ShowHide

    The male to female ratio is pretty much perfect, 170 female to 168 male, whilst there is only one character that is specifically nonbinary (this number is down from last year as transgendered characters were originally placed here, it was changed as I feel it is more appropriate to place them with the gender they identify as, they sure aren't non binary.)

    Species: ShowHide

    We have no idea what proportion of characters in the world of RWBY are Faunus so hard to say if our proportion is appropriate or not. Currently there are 120 Faunus characters, 35% of the total.

    While that may be reasonable the one place we are very statistically unbalanced is in the gender distribution of the Faunus. There are only 45 male Faunus compared to 75 female, as the amount of each gender are basically equal that means that female characters have a lot high percentage as Faunus (27% of all male characters and 44% of all female characters).

    Nothing all too interesting or new in regards to the age of our characters, 17 currently makes up exactly 1/3 of all characters (113) while 18 is in second place at 25% (85) and there are 46 characters that are over 25 years old, 14%. The average age is 21 which is slightly above last year which was 20.5, again showing that we are moving towards more diverse characters.

    Height: ShowHide

    This is one section that has improved vastly from last year as the graph then was presented just like the one above, and while somewhat useful there is so much variation of height between the genders that I wanted that shown, so that data was recollected by gender. The average male height is just above 5'8" while female is just above 5'5" (or 177cm and 168cm respectively if you come from a civilized country). There are also 27 characters that just don't have any height registered.

    Schools: ShowHide

    Not the easiest to make into a graph with how few students the other schools have so here I've included a cutout of the spreadsheet, main improvement here has been to track graduates as well as the current students. I can also say that last year we had 23 characters from schools other than beacon and now we have 48, an increase of 108%, really great to see the other schools grow!

    Parents: ShowHide

    Ahh one of my favorites, and one of the original topics for the first iteration of the checklist. We have updated this one a bit by emphasizing how many parents a character has, rather than how many have died. This was to make it easier to categorize characters that were raised by one parent with no mention of the other. That being said we do make a note of characters that specifically have murdered parents and can say with certainty that it's more common for both parents to get killed than just one.

    Weapons and semblance: ShowHide

    These ones can't exactly be shown as graphs due to the sheer amount of variation going on, however we have put a ton of work into these sections to make them far better organized and a lot more pleasant to look at. So I highly recommend you check out these sections of the spreadsheet. Monster gets pretty much all of the credit for how great the weapons section has turned out. On behalf of him, I have a quick comment for everyone making characters with swords.
    [spoiler=From Monster for sword characters]

    Faunus: ShowHide

    Oh boy, much like this spreadsheet in general this was one section that spiraled a bit into crazy town. Trying to figure out a good way to display the species that showed which were similar to each other (basically to group lions and cats closer than lions and penguins) left me with only one option, complete taxonomy. I've included an image in the spoiler as it is pretty damn gorgeous.

    In terms of stats there are 51 unique species, with Fox and Cat being tied for most common at 12 each. Just like last year, the most common traits were ears followed by tail, the third most common was profiles that claimed to be Faunus with no written Faunus traits.


    Survey stats

    The survey was started to address a lot of questions I was asked to look into where the info simply could not be found in the profiles. As people's attention span for this sorta thing is generally minimal the only way to get a reasonable sample size was to keep it short and a lot of pestering people to do it (Sorry about that). But it paid off, with 177 responses out of 339 profiles we have managed to get over the 50% marker (which for a survey is pretty damn impressive if I can say so myself). So here are the highlights from this dataset, please keep in mind that everything below does not represent all characters but just over half of them (52.2% to be precise)

    Hair color: ShowHide

    Eye color: ShowHide

    Aura color: ShowHide

    Racism: ShowHide

    The show has made it perfectly clear that Remnant isn't always the most tolerant of the Faunus, and while we do try to have our characters live in the same world the problem is that people probably don't like playing racist characters. That's at least what the data shows, with only a handful of characters categorized into oppose and no extremists. With so few data points there isn't much point in making more graphs but I did find a few points of interest. Firstly all the oppose characters are either from Vale (Simply due to most characters coming from Vale) or from Atlas (which fits the lore nicely). In regards to the breakdown over the species, there were 3 humans in the extremist support group and a couple of Faunus in the neutral one though they were mostly under support.

    Sexuality: ShowHide

    While it would be possible to determine some or most of the colors from the profiles it would have taken a bunch of work and a fair amount would still not even have it listed, so those were included in part out of practicality. The sexuality of the characters is not like that as only a few profiles would make any passing mention of it, but thanks to the survey we now have some insight into it. However, this is also an area we see a pretty large discrepancy between the genders in the stats, specifically male characters are more likely to be heterosexual (in fact almost 2/3 of straight characters are male) while female characters are a lot more likely to be homosexual or bisexual (Second graph). 

    Combat: ShowHide

    Since the combat stuff is hardly sensitive information that stuff can all be found in the spreadsheet if you want to take a look at it yourself, but ill give the highlights here as usual. Not too much for me to comment on here so I'll let the graphs do the talking. Only thing I want to clarify is the terms I'm using: Combat Style refers to preference between melee and ranged combat, whilst Combat Role refers to the specific example roles we have made (the definitions of those are in the spoiler below) and these aren't mutually exclusive as most characters fulfill multiple roles.
    [spoiler=Combat roles definitions]

    Breakdown of Combat styles: ShowHide

    Breakdown of Combat roles: ShowHide

    Combat roles by combat style: ShowHide

    Link to the survey and how to check if you have answered it: ShowHide

    Link to the survey!
    Not sure if I'll be updating much other than the combat stuff which can be found on the spreadsheet.
    It's been a while since the survey was started to totally understand if you can't remember if you have done it. To that end I've made it incredibly easy to check.
    1. Head to the spreadsheet
    2. Click the "User" tab
    3. Find your username
    4. If the character name has a colored background then a response has been submitted, if the background is white then please submit to the survey!
    If you have any issues with this please just hit me up on discord, lets at least get it to 50%

    To do

    • Find out why the /list thing keeps adding itself.
    • Finish and add the survey results
    • The team list is out of date with changes since I was gone so need to go through and update it
    • Determine student nationality, thereby determine the number of exchange students.
    • Proper tracking of the number of transgendered characters.
    If you have any suggestions please comment with them.[/list][/list]
    « Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 04:32:07 PM by Vision »

    Diana Levone - Beacon First year - Leader and Medic of team Digital (DGTL)
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    Bastet Nin - Haven First year - Blinking Glaive Skirmisher of team Rewind (RWND)
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    Re: Fanon statistics 2: Electric RWBooYloo
    « Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 12:11:44 PM »
    Exquisite work, you guys.
    Characters: ShowHide
    Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
    Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
    Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
    Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
    Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
    Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
    Max (mp)
    Chloe (mp)
    Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
    Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
    Hannah Glass
    Mark Cassini
    Carlson Ferram
    "Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
    "The Ferryman"
    "I swear it's not my fault"
    "s m o l"
    "Alastair Reynolds"
    "Living Weapon"
    Cole McWrath
    AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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    Re: Fanon statistics 2: Electric RWBooYloo
    « Reply #2 on: August 22, 2018, 07:27:34 AM »
    Damn, Vis! Sweeping back into the mix like a hurricane! Nice work on the statistics and graphing -- your mastery of data continues to impress.
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    Beacon Student: Rory Vogel, "The Scarlet Shield" ~ 1st Year, Team VCVS

    Shade Student: Sean Acacia, "Grenadier" ~ 1st Year


    Beacon Teacher / Experimental Botanist: Dr. Budonoki Sophos, Medical & Wilderness Specialist

    Baker / Retired Huntsman: Alec Chadwick, owner of 'Fabled Goods' bakery

    Pirate / Freelancer: Captain Cordell of the Red Corsair ~ Available For Hire!

    Mercenary / Infiltrator: Micah Sere AKA "Prowler" ~ Danger, Avoid If Possible

    Mercenary / Infiltrator: Maria Sanguine AKA "Bloody Mary" ~ Underworld operative, "The Lady of a Thousand Faces"


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    Re: Fanon statistics 2: Electric RWBooYloo
    « Reply #3 on: August 24, 2018, 07:11:00 AM »
    Cheers guys, glad you liked it ^^

    Should hopefully be some more updates soon, but after the list I'm not really sure what else to add

    Diana Levone - Beacon First year - Leader and Medic of team Digital (DGTL)
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    Bastet Nin - Haven First year - Blinking Glaive Skirmisher of team Rewind (RWND)
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    Re: Fanon statistics 2: Electric RWBooYloo
    « Reply #4 on: August 27, 2018, 04:21:14 PM »
    Okay we crossed the 50% early and wanted to get a look at the survey results so they have all been added :D

    Diana Levone - Beacon First year - Leader and Medic of team Digital (DGTL)
    [color= #839CA5]""[/ color]
    Bastet Nin - Haven First year - Blinking Glaive Skirmisher of team Rewind (RWND)
    [color= #F2B233]""[/ color]