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MiA Characters / Venus/Demi Eurydice
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:50:34 PM »



 (Venus/Demi) Eurydice Knell)
Feral personality: ShowHide
Feral personality: ShowHide


Species and Gender:

Chameleon Faunus, Female

Symbol: ShowHide

Ex Altesian Specialist, Assistant for Damien Knell , Absolute Agent of Chaos


Height: 4'11"
Weight: 120
Eurydice looks like a small child, due to a dysfunctional pituitary gland and the plant sinew restricting her growth she is stuck with a child-sized body. As a Chameleon Faunus her hair and skin changes color based on her emotional state, though she can control it when she decides to care about how she looks. Eurydice’s clothing style is completely random based on wh3at she happened to be doing before, she could be wearin rags from her literally planting herself in the ground for a week or she would be wearing the most expensive designer dress money could buy.
Eurydice has a childish freckled face with eyes that change color from red to green depending on the demeanor of her split personality. Her hair is a wavy rusty red, peeking through her hairline are a pair of wolf ears. Her overall size seems pudgy compared to her size, but apart from her face which is actually slightly chubby, she has a curiously extreme ratio of muscle for her size similar to that of a body builder. When emotional the sinew sometimes bulges to the surface creating a green veinlike pattern on her face and extremities. Other than that she looks like your average 13-year-old due to a mixture of a dysfunctional pituitary gland and the plant sinew that runs throughout her body that stunts her growth.

Eurydice has a childish freckled face with eyes that change color from red to green depending on the demeanor of her split personality. Her hair is a wavy rusty red, peeking through her hairline are a pair of wolf ears. Her overall size seems pudgy compared to her size, but apart from her face which is actually slightly chubby, she has a curiously extreme ratio of muscle for her size similar to that of a body builder. When emotional the sinew sometimes bulges to the surface creating a green veinlike pattern on her face and extremities. Other than that she looks like your average 13-year-old due to a mixture of a dysfunctional pituitary gland and the plant sinew that runs throughout her body that stunts her growth.

Eurydice’s face is the only part of her that looks, wrong. Her face ‘s expressions seem over the top as if she always enjoying the moment far too much and her mouth seems to be stretched to the side of her face  making her seem extremely sly and untrustworthy.


TLDR: ShowHide
Lived in the forest with her mother
Mother died when she was young and she thrived in the woods on her own (with her semblance) till teenhood
Found by her rich Altesian father
Forcibly groomed and brainwashed into being the perfect pawn.
Went on a rampage and was sent to Atlas academy.
Graduated and was discharged later for her Instability
Now roams Remnant with her Half Brother being a shit disturber everywhere she goes

Full History: ShowHide

The rustle of the treetop leaves and the sounds of echoing birds were all the things that Eurydice had ever known. The soft pound against the forest floor were the only things that could comfort her. She felt flaring instinct that flared and cracked like thunder in the sky. As if the world was at her beck and call and the only things that were important to her was her dominance over the forest. This was her life since she came into this world. This was her life living in the forest. Hunting and surviving was her passion and she was excellent at her profession. She was raised by the laws of nature. Kill or be killed, the wild had sharpened her already raised Faunus senses to the point where she knew the immense forest like the back of her hand.

 However one would ask oneself, who raised her? Someone had taught her to speak or interact. Eurydice had been alone for a long time and the recollection as to who her parents were or why they had left lived in a remote Atlesian forest. The reason why her and her mother were there had escaped her memory. The woman couldn't speak due to the wound through her throat, but she cared for her daughter as much as she could, and upon her back grew a plant when she grew ill she passed it onto her daughter putting the remainder of her aura into it and it crawled to life and latched onto young Eurydice.She should have followed soon after, die she would have, if not for a strange mixture of luck and fate. Eurydice was a special child. A child who had already unlocked her semblance at a young age. Fate was a funny thing, it had cursed Eurydice to be alone but had provided her with a semblance that took care of her and raised her. Eurydice’s semblance was Nature’s caretaker.

 This semblance allowed Eurydice to survive off of the life force of the forest itself. The first few years it was only by chance she survived. Her semblance would flow itself into the ground and made fruit grow whenever she wanted, It could control plants to fight for her.  It helped her instinctively know what was safe to eat and what was dangerous most. And when she was tired or hungry she could sustain off of the life force of the plants around her, but most importantly she could hide in the tallest of foliage and in the deepest of underground caverns away from the creatures of Grimm. The semblance was her guardian. Using the vitality she leached from the plants around her she stayed alive herself. Now as Eurydice grew, her dependence on her semblance faded and so she became a great hunter of the forest. And so her use of the semblance grew more refined. She used the forest and the plant latched to her back and manipulated the energy of the forest itself. It flowed in and out of Eurydice like a heartbeat and into the heart of the forest. Plants and the flora would protect her at a command like an heir to an earthen throne.  Eurydice was not stupid, she soon realized that the plants would reach out and nearly speak to her. Teaching her their ways and how to use her semblance properly. They spoke of hunters and what they had seen. Soon Eurydice came to fear the realm of other humans and stayed away mostly to the deeper parts of the forest. As the years past, Eurydice came to use her semblance fluidly. The flora would protect her when she was under attack forming a thick bramble of thorns and when she was hunting they would hunt with her. It took years for her to learn to use her semblance as that of a formidable warrior. It was in this state of harmony with herself and her semblance that tragedy struck.
Eurydice woke one morning to hear the screams of her plants. The cried out in anguish to her for help. She wondered if Grimm were rampaging but her worries were doubled when she saw smoke on the horizon. Humans were burning the forest. Racing through the maze of trees and thicket that had become her home. She knew what they were… they had come to dig up the crystals of energy that grew beneath the ground. They wanted to destroy her home for the dust but she would never allow them to destroy her home.

She rushed to defend her home. If there were one way to repay everything the forest had done for her she would do this. Arriving at the front lines of the fires she saw men in giant suits with fancy machine torching the place. Some with giant machines crushing the plants. It infuriated her, her instinct deep inside told her. This wasn’t right and that they had to be stopped at any cost. So she let her aura flow to all the plants in the area. Wincing at the pain she felt with them and she commanded as a tidal of thrones and roots uprooted the machines. The men scrambled scared, how pathetic… But some of them came closer reforming and coming closer to her. Before she could find a better vantage point she was quickly charged at by a few humans with strange mechanisms in their hands. She was quickly restrained but she controlled the plants around her to attack she soon felt lightheaded and passed out.
She woke up in a white room with three people in it. She was laying down in some weird fabric. She bolted up and looks around. Everything was strange. The walls, the floor, her bed, it was all so unnatural. Eurydice tried running but found herself cuffed to the bed. Thrashing a bit before settling. The helpless feeling of her captivity was sinking in. A man stood before her and walked to her and said.
“You may not understand a word I say but I hope you will understand this.” He gestured to the man in the corner “This is your father and now that we have found you I assure you we will try our best to rehabilitate you into society.”
The man’s smile reeked of something foul and although she couldn't understand the words she did understand one thing. It made her blood run cold and her thoughts stop in their tracks and as she realized, She was their captive.
Ushered through many concrete trees and fast moving machines Eurydice was transported. Stopping at a very big manor she stepped off the machine and were moved inside.  A tall man greeted Eurydice and embraced her along with a woman. No amount of instinct could prepare her so she stood there. Frozen with her heart aching, missing her home she walked into the prison that would consume her life.
Two years past of their so called rehabilitation. Eurydice was taught how to speak and interact with people. She was taught how to act appropriately and the history of Atlas. It bored her. She thrived on instinct and survival. Now she could act like a person but it would not change who she was at heart. She despised her parents for doing this to her. It pained her every moment she sat in a chair. Eurydice yearned to return to the forest. What had hurt her the most was the silence. When she arrived they placed an anklet around her ankle which dulled her senses. She couldn’t talk to her plants and she felt so empty. The world seemed monotone with the bracelet on it bored her, with the absence of the voices and instinct she could empathize but she couldn't bring herself to smile cry or laugh. All of her outward expressions and displays of emotion were dulled. The drowsy dullness was slowly killing her, like cancer gripping her primal thoughts and drowning them in the lessons of posture, grace, and honor.

Eurydice was trapped without hope. Her instinct had failed her and no amount of fighting was helping. That wasn’t to say she wouldn’t try. Every day she wore the anklet down and it was her dream to escape this life. One day, however, she was ushered into a room with the man that was her father. He smiled and Eurydice returned it with a cold glare the only defiant look left on her face. Many other men were there as well. The gazed at her constantly evaluating, she felt scared and less than a human and more like a specimen. It wasn’t too long before her father spoke.
“ Alright, then gentlemen it is now time to decide what is to become of my daughter. She is a woman who holds great potential. A person of many talents and I’m sure she could become an excellent member of society.”
Many suggestions were being thrown around faster than Eurydice could process. The room was whirling as shouts began to dominate her conscious. This continued until two things happened at once. A man shouted from the back “She would make a great wife! My boy would greatly enjoy someone like her!” and at that moment. After years of scratching and wearing her prison down without anyone noticing. Her anklet fell off. And she heard a voice primal and fierce. “Let me out… Let me hunt again” She could feel the plants voices but they were distant, and her instincts were still dulled. The voice spoke again “They dulled you… but... I can fight still. Let me take over.”

As Eurydice awoke from the black dream she had been in, she saw her captors in front of her. Her instinct, senses and her semblance had returned. Everything came to a dull roar as her anklet clattered against the ground. Eurydice felt once again the life force of the plants. She was disgusted at the men who stood before her. She was not an object to be sold. However, something was different. Over the years her other half had adopted civility, morals, and personality while she stayed passively in the back of her own mind watching and waiting.  It clashed violently like two tides until finally, the water settled. Returning back to reality the room had donned a silence as everyone was shocked from the visible amount of aura radiating from her, which seeped for her like a malicious cloud. Her steps were deliberate and lethal as she walked towards the crowded men. She had no plants to use in the room but Eurydice had remembered that this specific room was her favorite place in the manor. The palace gardens.  She simply smiled as the ceiling and floor collapsed as roots and vines ensnared the guests. Her power trashed and destroyed the walls as the group was subject to her power. One man stood amidst the chaos seemingly undisturbed. He quickly struck down her plants much to her dismay. He easily closed the distance between her and swiftly had her on the ground. When she regained her bearings the man helped her up. The men were slowly untangling themselves from the vines. Eurydice looked to the strange man as he spoke.

“ I came here because we were told that your father had discovered someone of great potential. He wasn’t wrong. I come here on behalf of the Atlesian Military academy willing to extend an offer of admission. You are obviously well versed in the use of aura in combat. I agree with you miss Eurydice. You were born to play the role of a fighter. So why don’t you pursue that path.” Many thoughts passed through her head as she processed this information. Specialists were bad, weren’t they? But anything would be better than being a pawn or a trophy. Fighting was already her passion and there could never be a better opportunity to grow.

 Taking his hand Eurydice stood up. Her father was fuming but the man put on a sly smile. s “Trust me sir, This exchange will work out for both of us, Her ‘Abilities are very interesting and her potential in the Atlesian military program is…unparalleled. And I'm sure the Altesian government will be willing to give you a more… tangible reward.  Me taking her off your hands is a blessing. Don’t misread that.” And so once again Eurydice was off to another place she had never been before. However this time she wasn’t as afraid. She felt somewhat whole yet broken at the same time as she was transported to the next chapter in her life. There was one thing that echoed through their mind as she marched up the steps to the Altesian academy. “I will never be prey again.”
Eurydice was known as a problem student during her time as an Altesian trainee. Although she thrived decently in academics and combat training. Her actions and behaviors were not optimal. She was easily irritable when not near plants, She showed extreme impulsiveness and also her behavior was erratic due to the indoctrination she had received. It was found that her semblance was such an integral part of her function that blocking it had actually caused a rift in her soul. This made her have seemingly two persona’s one with emotionless and scripted class. AND the other with savagery and rage that was nigh-uncontrollable in strategic scenarios. But where some saw problems other people saw an opportunity. Due to her lack of a ‘modern’  education, she was a blank slate of an individual and the teacher was soon scrambling to take advantage of this trying to mold her into the perfect soldier based on her strengths.

She had few acquaintances apart from some of the teachers and even fewer friends. The only one she had was a familiar boy named Damien. They were placed in the same group during their initiation. But there was an incident, some of the  Grimm had banded together into far larger pack than were expected and attacked the pair. Although Eurydice was able to use her semblance to escape and stay out of Grimm reach until help arrived, Damien went missing for many weeks and Eurydice was part of the search efforts. They sent airdrops and distributed emergency supplies all along the initiation area. Before long they declared him dead surely no one could survive half a month in this Grimm infected area. So it was to their surprise when he was recovered from the ruins three months later. Unfortunately, he was a nervous wreck and despite her consoling, he broke down and was institutionalized at  Golden Grove. She made sure to visit him all the time and soon found out that he was her half-brother and had been unable to escape after being at the brink of exhaustion from constant force training by their father and he was forced to use an archaic ancestral sword during his initiation. She became closer to him knowing that they both were wronged by the same person and vowed revenge for both of them, She made sure that she constantly visited him.

Even though Eurydice wasn't experienced as a person she was far from stupid and took advantage at of this. She made friend with the biology instructors and worked together with them to augment the plant that had long become a symbiotic part of her. Testing its limits and strengths.  A living plant that could change based on her needs It seemed it had leeched off her semblance until it had grafted itself to her skin and burrowed into her body.   As time went on went on and she began to become more emotionally stable and she began to specify her fighting style. She began to focus on hunting enemies, ambushes tracking and executions. She wanted to hunt prey as efficiently as possible and throughout her academy years, this is what she focused on getting weapons and skills specified for this purpose. As she became more proficient at her techniques she was frustrated with herself and the Altesian staff were too. Her semblance her greatest strength seemed to have been stunted. The whispers of the plants were quiet almost inaudible to her, and using her skills took far more aura then it didn't when she lived in the forest.

Upon graduation from the academy and joining military service she heard of a program that specialized in tracking down criminals and tracking deserters. She joined the military to qualify for this field and succeeded. And by god was she good at her job. By her hand, she took down Specialist deserters and extremely dangerous criminals. She modeled her entire fighting style around defeating her enemy without giving them a chance to rest. She set up intricate traps and baits with her semblance and broke through their aura to kill them in mere seconds.Her stunted growth had the boon of allowing her to catch her enemies off guard.

But it was this that slowly drove her superiors to question her. She started to spend longer and longer in the field, not returning for mission statements. Her social skills became tactless and it became clear that she was mentally disturbed. She was constantly talking to nothing in the field and she acted extremely erratic. Due to theses developments that grew gradually over time her Superiors declared her unfit for duty and discharged her from service. She soon disappeared from Atlas and now can be seen roaming Remnant with her Half brother Damien as arms dealers muscle.

Eurydice has different personalities caused by her constantly clashing feral and civil side. While being raised in the woods she was a predator with her only knowledge coming from her experience hunting and living wild. She was forced to adopt a civilized demeanor be her father. When she was being trained her instinct was repressed being forced to by an aura repressing anklet. When the anklet was suddenly removed her feral and civil side crashed and nearly broke her emotionally. To cope with this her brain did a last ditch attempt to save her from insanity. It divided the feral and civil side of her to almost two dissociative personalities.

The feral side (Venus) is childlike and playful, but extremely fierce in combat and has a severe lack of empathy for others. She only cares about things and people the interest her and has no feeling towards anyone else.
 The civil side is Mature and focused and passive (Demi).She acts cold and passive and conducts herself with extreme discipline.

Even though these two personalities are very different there are still some similarities. They both love to talk and don't fear speaking hard truths. They have a very little filter when it comes to politeness. All that can be said for sure is that Eurydice is an agent of chaos, she does whatever the hell she wants wherever the hell she wants.

Aura and Semblance:
Eurydice’s semblance is Nature’s gift. Nature’s gift gives her full control and perception of surrounding Flora. She is able to leech Vitality and nutrients out of the plants.

The first power of Nature’s gift is Gaia. Gaia allows Eurydice to sense and feel through the presence of plants inside a 150m radius. She can manipulate and ‘converse’ with the plants in a radius of 60 feet. Linked plants or plant roots can be felt and manipulated if they travel farther than her range. (example most of a forest or wooded area) She can manipulate outside of this passive zone but it becomes much more difficult the further they are away from her. She can cause rapid growth of these plants using their roots and vines as weapons and causing them to lash out and move at her will. The maximum that Eurydice can grow a plant depends on the type of plant. (A Tree wouldn't be able to be grown more than a few extra inches compared to an ivy which could be exponentially grown in size).  SHe has control to the extent of being able to burrow through the ground of wooded areas by moving and shifting roots and underground flora.

Eurydice can also absorb nutrition and vitality from nearby plants over time and convert it into vitality over time. Allowing her to slowly sustain her body over a long period of time. This also helps supplement the fact that she has an adult metabolism in a child-sized body. She must remain extremely still and f meditate during the aura drainage as she attempts to leech more energy then she expends by using her semblance. If interrupted before and after reaching a certain landmark of time chosen by EUrydice she  will loose grasp of all the gathered energy and immediately fall unconscious.

This allows her to stay alert and healthy and able to get back on her feet after a bad fight and survive in extremely harsh environments

Time to 100% Vitality: ShowHide

-Recovery from exhaustion (Just  tired) = 15 mins
-Recovery from absolute Exhaustion (Unable to move)= 45 mins
-3000 calories worth of nutrition= 1hour

Combat Behavior:
Eurydice is the definition of a situational powerhouse in the middle of combat. In a wooded setting, Eurydice can put out a large amount of damage while simultaneously able to protect herself from damage. Using her primary weapon Cela, Eurydice is able to strike hard at enemies with a strong offense to initiate a battle. Using her vines to tangle and disrupt enemies movement while she uses her small stature to weave between enemies and deal powerful blows.While defending she uses her spears to fend off anyone who decides to try and strike at the heart of her team. 

Though Eurydice is at her strongest when drawing people into an environment that either suite herself or that she has set up with traps to force her enemy to fight at a disadvantage.

While she is quite a versatile fighter, Eurydice possesses many weaknesses. She has next to no ranged abilities to fight with reliably. She is very sub susceptible to fire attacks as she struggles to heal a burning appendage. Damage to her controlled plants causes pain to her.

She knows the weak points of most animals and Grimm, She’s a skilled Tracker who is knowledgeable in botany and categorizing and understanding animal behavior. She is extremely Skilled at Mid and Short range combat with her semblance and spears.
Plants can soak up a lot of damage
-She is able to survive much life threatening scenarios due to her semblance
-Cela is buoyant
-Extremely good at ambushes
-Very mobile and flexible


-Eurydice feels Cela's and any other plant she controls as pain along with bonded plants.
-The first Fire Attacks done to Eurydice in a fight can frighten her
-Fire attacks done to Cela will damage it extensively.
-Weak at long ranged combat


Primary Weapon:

Cela is a rock hard vine-like plant which constantly feeds off of Eurydice’s aura(due to her semblance to the point of it being affixed to her body. Due to the length of time it has been attached to Eurydice It now drains Virtually no aura to move or attack with it, although manipulating Cela’s size or regenerating Cela will cause aura drain. Eurydice can instantly supplement 25% of her aura per day using Cela. (This is usually a last resort as it make Cela unusable for at least an hour.

Cela has about 6 vines in its normal state usually coiled around Eurydice’s body but sometimes they'll be sticking out of her clothes and used like appendages. (Eurydice can make Cela make more vines.) Cela’s normal thickness is about that of a golf ball but it can grow up to the thickness of a fist if need be. If Eurydice becomes unconscious Cela will instinctively wrap around her cocooning her.

In an idle form Cela passively sits there waiting to be called upon for combat sometimes passively branching out small vines that Eurydice sometimes uses as appendages. When Eurydice floods Cela with her aura is when the weapon truly comes to life. Able to grow at a rapid rate the plant has vines which can sprout vines which Eurydice can use to flay her opponents by flinging them at high speeds.

However, Eurydice has more then attack functions for her main weapon. She can soften the thorns on her vines and make them curl around her armor forming a protective barrier around her body.

 Whenever Cela is damaged not only does Eurydice feel the pain but has to put aura in to regrow the lost limb.

Cela was given to Eurydice by her mother who had the same Semblance as her and was modified by Eurydice in the academy with multiple long nights staying in the biology lab. Cela is the perfect weapon for Eurydice combat style and the perfect companion, A friend who would never leave her side...

Secondary Function

Cela can produce a spray of small seeds that can be controlled be Eurydice within a 30 feet radius.They can also be sensed by Eurydice within a  mile radius They can be used to tangle people, track their movement, or (with enough of them) can grow through people's bodies to harm them. They are small mossy ivy-like plants and are extremely tiny with the maximum thickness of a pencil. Because of this, they grow quickly in length with minimal amounts of effort needed to make them grow exponentially.

Secondary Weapon:


Eurydice has 19 small cylinders on her waist that can unfold into very simple spears to be used as either javelin or melee weapons she has: 6 kinetic, 6 Ice, 6 Lightning, and one made specifically which has a serrated edge and has air dust engraved throughout it. Which she affectionately calls her “Slicey stick”

Approved Characters / Kerri Palidus
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:14:09 PM »


Kerri Pallidus (KAIR-ree)

Stage Name : ShowHide
Grimm Witch


18, Born Frost 28, 60 AC

Species and Gender:

Panda Faunus, Female


Kerri’s Symbol: ShowHide


Beacon First Year, Humanitarian, Internet personality, Guitarist of Grimm Omen, Public Speaker,

Facial appearance (with hair up):: ShowHide

Height 6’3
Weight 160

Kerri has a Wraithlike visage. Her black and white streaked hair is long down to waist length. A pair of panda ears stick out of the top of her head and  her hair falls down on her face  and covers her face and eyes. Due to damage to her eyes she is blind and constantly suffers from subconjunctival hemorrhaging. (bloody whites of eyes)  and around her sunken eyes are dark blemishes. (Due to vein damage).  She is tall with a skinny unhealthy build, stringy muscle with a lack of fat and her entire upper body and limbs have a multitude of scars caused from her injuries from factory labor and combat damage.Kerri’s appearance unnerves people and she uses this fact to her advantage.

Her clothing style is eccentric and Gothic,  usually based on the dress of past noble style (Victorian). From childhood she idolized the dress of old nobles and royals. She imagined herself in that world  as a child and that fantasy was one of the few comforts she could fall back on as a child. She now adds twisted themes and concepts of Gothic style to match her devilish theme. (All of her clothing is handmade.)

Her casual attire tends to be the same Gothic style, similar to her combat and band gear. she prefers dark clothing but loves dressing up, Her clothing style tends to change from day to day although it usually has the same Gothic themes. She usually modifies most bought clothes she wears in some way.

Her combat and band attire is made to intimidate people due to her need to prove herself capable (even if it means scaring others.) Her  hair's a mess of  knee length long black and white streaked hair that covers her entire face .  She wears bandages on her legs and feet (She puts rubber padding around her feet under the bandages so she can remain mobile. ) It allows her to use the texture of the ground as landmarks to keep herself orientated though now she tends to wear the bandages in her casual wear now.


--Early Life--11 years

Kerri was born in a slum located in outer Atlas She and her parents worked hard to survive .  As she watched them work hard to try to provide for her at a young age she had a  want to help provide and not be a burden to her family. Her mother and father attempted to make the most of their meager lives. They constantly tried to give the best to their little angel. But she felt a need to pay it back. She learned to knit and dance from her mother and tried to make and sell her own wares. Three months in a row she had secretly saved up by trading a selling fabric until she had enough to slowly weave clothing. She took small scraps of material separated them and slowly but surely made them into renditions of pictures from the stories her parents read to her. Although she did this in secret she practiced her mother's art of handweaving.

When her mother was away or sleeping she would attach her fabric to the loom and weave in the dark slowly day by day making scarves and gloves , although made childishly with bright colors and frills, they were of decent quality although there were some imperfections. Taking out to sell she went to the street where most of the neighbourhood traded and bartered and bought one of the clothing sets she had made. This one was a scrappy attempt at a regal robe. Once she was there she tried to sell the clothes until a group of people older than her grabbed it and ran.

Heart broken at the loss of her work she trudged home and the next day brought out another article of clothing. This time it was a simple robe but again they came and stole it.  Angry she stomped home and this time she brought her last piece of clothing. A Dress based off of one one of her favorite stories.. `The Girl in the Tower`. It seemed that the third day was the charm  as she finally managed to sell her wares. She didn't get much but she made over 400 Lien (Yen) more money she had ever held at one time. As she left the boys came back and this time stole her money from her. ‘How dare they, I earned that! ‘ She thought livid with  anger. With ignorant courage the little girl followed the thieves that had stolen from her. She slowly tracked them using her faunus sight allowing her to keep track of them from afar them when darkness had already fallen. She heard strange noises in the shadows, noises that she had never heard before. She remembered always being told to stay away from this part of the slums. ‘I won't be here long,’ She thought.

People were drooling and gagging on the streets, screams could be heard from some houses and a strange coppery odour seemed to leech from the buildings. She quickly shook off her distractions as the group she was stalking went into a nearby building that towered over all the others. Following them she looked inside and saw an terror-inducing sight. The building was filled with chained people of various colors and creeds. They were all in cages and asleep and to her horror some of them she recognized. One strange thing that stood out to her was that they all seemed to be Faunus. Swallowing her panic she resolved to tell her parents about this place, they would know what to do. She noticed that the boys were hurrying into a certain room. “Just a peek” she thought “Then I'll leave” curiosity mixing with determination to not let her journey be in vain made her press on.

She went to walk into the room before she heard a voice yell. “Stop!” Kerri tried to run did but her legs wouldn't move her body felt strange as if it was being puppeteered. She stood still her body frozen in mid stride, she started to cry but with a command of silence her voice squeaked into quietness. “‘Well we could always use another worker” he said as he waved his hand and she fell asleep. When she woke startled and afraid Kerri found herself in some decrepit mine shaft. Sitting there shaking with panic and confusing with a million question running through her head she looked around. It only took a few minutes for a few men to come in and force her to her feet. The next coming days would be hell as they evaluated her “potential”. She was put to the test everyday running various tasks in the seemingly endless maze of tunnels. A week or so after she had been captured...was it a week? She had lost track of time in the dis-orientating dark of the caves. She was escorted into the factory facilities above the mines. Immediately after getting to the factory she was forced to help move around hazardous materials for refining dust and transporting  crates of refined dust. Her malnourished petite physique and young age prevented her from doing most of the work in the mines but her only redeemable quality was her size. Being able to fit into places that adults couldn't.   

--Escape--13 year old
She became scared of the humans keeping her head down and trying to get her jobs done as soon as she could. Being constantly beaten with blunt and sharp instruments alike. She never even thought of fighting back until she found something interesting… About three years during production she walked by some of the cells of ‘misbehaving’ slaves. She found to her curiosity that most of them donned monster like masks. She also found that the people who wore them were hurt the worse. She was intrigued by them, slowly but surely she began to talk to them. Overtime she started to feel what she hadn't felt in a long time. The feeling that came with establishing a relationship with another human long had she been in here, she had forgotten. It became part of her daily routine, trying to scrounge up as much time as she could to talk to these people. One day was set apart different than the others. When she arrived they told her to bring all the people that she could quickly.  As silently as she could she brought all  of the people that she found were idle over to them. The group smiled and bathed them all with a glowing aura (Unlocking their aura) they whispered “Make them pay…”. A few minutes later an escort of guards came in and broke up the meeting.  There as much protest but eventually the poor people were forced out of the cells by the humans and were never seen again. Work continued as usual until in the sleeping room. Some of the others that attended that same meeting she did started exhibiting strange powers. While their strength grew they were still too scared and scattered to rebel...for now.

As the days pressed on Kerri’s frail frame was starting to crack. Her years of malnourishment and poor physique were catching up. While she was carrying a very dangerous box of dust that needed to be transported through a tiny transportation shaft, she dropped her load and collapsed. Kerri struggled to her feet, one of the overseers started to beat her yelling obscenities and raving. As he aimed a kick towards her she let out a pulse of aura instinctively blocking his kick sending him stumbling back. In that moment of intensity Kerri felt … powerful, in control, she could feel everything around her without a glance . She wanted to protect herself  Feeling rage building deep within her she willed the worst thing to imagine to form in front of her  and with a gasp she conjured her own fear a Grimm sized Human made out of her shadow like aura . The pulse of aura from conjuring it had  set off the ice dust sending spikes of ice into different machinery.

Small particles of ice had gotten into her eye but she didn't notice more than a small tingling sensation. Willing her apparition to attack the humans the other slaves followed and used the aura and semblances  given to them from the white fang members. But with their lack of control, experience and coordination  cause them, to end up  setting off a chain reaction of most of the dust in the factory causing a massive explosion. When rescue crews got to the wreckage most of the slavers were either dead or escaped and there was only a few survivors.

---New Life---
When Kerri woke up she found herself in a hospital nearly completely unable to see and her eyes burning. The chemicals that had been kicked up by the explosion had blinded her and given her eyes a horrifying appearance. They look sickly, melted as they rested slightly sunk into her face. After getting medical attention she soon found out there was a large controversy regarding the events that transpired in the factory. Reporters were asking her questions and she was filled with hope that she could start her life over. It would take her time but...she could heal. The Atlas government was under-pressure of all outlets of media and allied governments. This whole incident was under their jurisdiction and due to that fact they had to take the blame and work about ways to help the survivors. Kerri spent the next 2 years of her life trying to rebuild what she lost through her years at the factory. She was taught how to go through life without her sight. She finally started to feel happy again. When the two years were finished she was deemed ready to re-enter society. Her scars were still fresh and her wounds still healing but she was ready to start anew. The best way she figured she could start a new life was by moving. It was time she left her past behind and restart her life in Vale.

It was wonderful at first being in a place where no one knew her or her family. She started making acquaintances and became an internet celebrity using the attention gained from the tragedy to gain an audience.She used her developing social skill and apparent natural talent for emotional manipulation. However she found that with every passing day a sensation grew in her chest. One that called her to action. She tried her best to forget what happened however there was somethings she could never erase. The cold...the unbearable cold of the factory and the mines. It haunted her sleep, it ebbed away at her in nightmares and flashbacks. The only things that kept her warm was that sensation, it was a call to action. A call to repay help others, she became a public figure in the Faunus rights scene.

 During this time she met with other like minded activists and musicians she met someone who would change her life. Cherry Bright was violent, passionate, unpredictable , daring and not afraid to do what needed to be done, and Kerri couldn't help but feel, bolder and stronger around her. Everything about how Cherry acted reminded her of the feeling she had when she fought against the humans in the mines. Cherry’s influence emboldened her and gave her the confidence to do more with her influence.
She soon became fully involved and invested in the music scene and Faunus empowerment scene. A few acquaintances and her and Cherry soon banded together as the group known as Grimm Omen. Provocative, controversial and spearheading the message of the empowerment of Faunus they began to rise from the underground scene into the mainstream. Before long they had become celebrities and Kerri reveled in the attention making sure that her quiet persona on stage was contrasted by the effects of her semblance making each performance a visual spectacle.

She joined Signal. Taking mostly classes in aura and dust studies she became proficient at both while barely passing in other fields such as academics and close combat. She worked tirelessly to improve her faults but some days it seemed that even though some of her work in Signal was exemplary after a while she became discouraged. She felt that even though that she was one of the best she knew she still wouldn't be able to contribute to the movement in the ways that mattered. However when she was in the rut it was Cherry’s help that got her back on her feat. While her help was...unorthodox she still encouraged Kerri to find different ways to help the movement. Kerri began speaking at rallies. Unlike others that garnered support by using the passion and anger that the Faunus had gone through She understood that this approach would drive others away. So she began to speak in rallies and meetings not of war and bloodshed , but of helping each other and identity.

She went to Signal periodically,  not bothering with most classwork that wasn't absolutely necessary.  She learnt basic information and fighting but, spent most of her time having one on one training with teachers that specialized in aura and semblance training, foregoing the rest of the courses. Her knowledge of combat was a surprise in her admission exam, and she has a higher mastery of dust and combat then was taught to her by her teacher. (though the source of this training is unknown.)

News travels fast when you have ears in high places so when it was announced that Cherry Bright/Chainsaw was joining Beacon (mostly due to her rival Cheri Chanson joining) Kerri was by her side ready to stroll up the towers herself. Barely passing her Signal exams Kerri elected to to take the entrance exams instead and passed with flying colours. She was ready to tackle any challenges that came her way right by Cherry’s side.

Kerri used to be well known as a humanitarian activist, an innocent child. However when that role no longer caught the world's attention she slipped into the persona of the Grimm Witch which allowed her to re enter the public view.

-Contrary to her perceived benevolence and empathy, Kerri is a very effective manipulator and loves playing roles and method acting, usually donning a persona or ‘act’ at all times. She known to be an eccentric always craving attention and validation, covering up her lack of self esteem and she constantly needs the confirmation of others to feel good about herself.

-Kerri’s number one priority is Cherry’s well being, she would do anything and say anything for her. That being said she is far from overbearing, she knows Cherry can handle herself and usually protects her reputation rather than physically defending her. Although she spends most of her time trying to keep her friend in line, she’s ready to fight by her side and curbstomp some poor sap if given the order.

-Kerri acts extremely quiet when in public preferring to keep to herself, but in fact she is very confident in speaking and is a very soothing and charming silver tongue.

-She also keeps herself busy by sewing (by using certain unorthodox techniques and with others input Kerri usually buys and modifies clothes into her own ensembles.)

-Kerri is usually neutral in most situations, and is somewhat decent or even sometimes kind  to most people unless given a reason to dislike them. She tends to act far more reckless, rash and provocative around Cherry. However get on her bad side and she will do anything in her power to ruin your reputation and wellbeing.

-Although Kerri acts very righteous and believes herself to be on the side of moral justice, Her personality is very skewed from her experiences and she is willing to go to extreme lengths to get what she wants.

Aura and Semblance:

Aura color: Achromatic

Auric Manipulation

Kerri’s semblance is an uncanny generation and manipulation of her aura. Kerri has the ability to conjure and manipulate aura off of the usual range of her body. Her Aura is unusually dense and as such is actually quite opaque. Kerri can manipulate her aura freely in an range of 30 meters, and usually uses her semblance to channel Dust especially shards of dust crystals with precise control and channeling full crystals of dust without harming herself. Dust can also be channeled into her aura constructs. If she is throwing dust infused aura, the aura disappears as soon as the projectile leaves her hand.

She is also known for using her strange Aura to her advantage.  such as creating wraith like versions of herself or covering her body in black mist. All constructs that she creates however are not tangible and can be passed through like one would pass through a wall of fog/ Conjuring mist outside of her body costs 3% of her aura and can be manipulated into different aesthetic shapes, this subtracts the aura from her usable pool but makes it so that it will persist as long as she is conscious. Creating another form out of her mist-like aura (Grimm like creatures or silhouettes of people)  is 5%. If the aura construct is not used to channel dust and/or Kerri did not take damage in the duration that she summoned the construct  she can re absorb her aura.
Due to the strange qualities of Kerri’s aura she can only use 10% of it defensively at a time, making her extremely fragile. Her aura will refresh back to her 10% cap is she hasn't taken damage in 20 seconds.

TDLR: Kerri is able to manipulate her aura into creating non-tangible constructs that can be infused with dust.

 Her well-run history with aura usage has also gifted her with the ability of presence, allowing her to vaguely feel if a person's aura or the presence of a Grimm is within 100m of her.

Fighting Style:

Kerri has a large aura pool which she uses to her advantage to protect herself and use her semblance, Kerri has overall above average senses and orientation. Her Aura is very necessary for defense due to the fact the Kerri is extremely physically fragile and can be seriously harmed if attacked when her aura is down. She struggles with hand to hand and close-combat due to not being able to see her opponent. She is swift and agile but unfortunately her unhealthy build causes her to have low stamina. If Kerri does not specifically know if an obstruction is in her attack’s path (like a wall or an object), it can greatly impede her combat. Especially the aim of her dust attacks.

Kerri is terrified of the cold, in her normal form it will make her frightened and anxious. In a fight or flight scenario she might go into a panic becoming dangerous to everyone near her.

Kerri has enhanced Faunus senses (hearing and smell) which are slightly augmented due to her lack of sight. The increased senses allow Kerri  to pinpoint the location of certain individuals and react to their actions. As well she knows Flash Sonar a technique thought to her by her aids in Valerie that helps her get around easier by being able to get a vague understanding what what objects are around her by clicking the top of her mouth,  aiding her in day to day movement. (Not usable in combat due to focus required,  movement excess noise etc.)

She fights in a strange style with curved strikes and wide attacks (to give her a margin for error). Her attack pattern is usually swift and drawn out prodding for patterns and weaknesses in her opponent that she can exploit. Though she loves to run around in a fight, though she is the strongest when sitting back and letting loose her dust attacks. She also has a high pain tolerance and only heals her body if the injury is incapacitating in some way.

Kerry's fighting style is similar to a performance, she usually dons a character and uses her semblance and fighting to execute it. She is extremely mobile darting in and out of reach of her foes. Rashly sending waves of dust attacks at her foes.


Dust Crystals
In a reinforced messenger pouch Kerri keeps raw dust crystals.  Shards of dust crystals are in vials for more controlled uses. Kerri’s use is extremely primal and destructive, Simply channeling her aura through the crystal and blasting out the result in the desired direction. She can use some of the shards  to be more fine tuned but vastly less effective.
Note: Shards can be channeled through her aura to direct the dust  and/or to imbue her semblance.


Amount:Crystal= 5 charges and 20 shards
Crystal: Makes a large(10 foot) plume of flame that can either be thrown directed or or dispersed. 15% chance of bodily damage against herself
Shard:creates a small plume of fire

Crystal= 3 charges and 12 shards
Thrown: Creates 10 foot cone of air that knocks back everything in the radius. 5% chance of bodily damage
Shard: Creates small bursts of air leaving slipstreams along its path

Crystal= 5 charges and 20 shards
Crystal: Creates a 6 foot sphere Implosion at place of impact 10% chance of bodily damage against herself
Shard: Small kinetic impact (similar to a hard punch)

Lightning/ Raw energy
Crystal= 3 charges and 12 shards
Crystal:Creates a ball of superheated plasma that has to be redirected Extremely dangerous 60%chance of minor immolation and 10% chance of major bodily damage against herself
Shard: explodes on impact with an effect similar to a concussive flashbang


Kinetic Waistguard
Primary Form:
With all of her clothes Kerri wears an armored underbust corset, on the sides front and back are kinetic dischargers which can propel Kerri (the equivalent of slingshotting her in a area). The resultant is fast and hard for her to control, her top velocity was clocked in at 20 mph. This throws Kerri in a direction making it extremely difficult to land and direct.


The Shaft
Primary Form:
An ornate White Cane (Blind Cane)
Secondary Form:
The Cane separates and becomes two short staffs with a chain. A sickle blade unfolds from the staffs. The weapon resembles a Kusarigama. It can be unfolded and used in different ways depending on the situation.

Spoiler: ShowHide

Approved Characters / Orabel Arachne
« on: September 11, 2016, 04:59:20 PM »


Orabel  Arachne

20, Born  Klever 16, 59 AC
Species and Gender:

Female Ram Faunus

Golden Ram Productions logo:

Logo: ShowHide

Daughter of CEO & Founder of Arachne Industries, Head designer, founder and Executive Chairman of Golden Ram Productions.  Designer, Weaver, Textile Forger and Third Year
Her look: ShowHide

Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 150 pounds (Muscular build)

Orabel has curly platinum blonde hair with ram horns curling out of the sides of her head. She has golden eyes and one of her eyes have a scar. The iris of that eye is clouded and slightly damaged. Her skin is a Caramel color from her mixed heritage. Orabel has an overall mature face and stature looking slightly older than she really is. Although she is shorter than average her build is broad and muscular from her many years living outside the limits of Vale Around her neck she wears a necklace with a blue crystal inside it is a small golden spider which identifies her as the heiress of Arachne industries.  Her stature and impression changes depending on what she is wearing and how she is feeling. She can give the educated,privileged air of an upperclassman and a high level citizen, or she can give off the grungy and uneducation impression of a slum dweller depending on how she is feeling. Her posture, impression, dialect, and actions completely can change from one to another  depending on her personal choice or how much she cares about the interaction.


Orebel was born destined to lead a life of prestige and great fortune. She was born to a human father named Cardinal Arachnea the CEO of Arachnea Industries one of the most famous design companies in Remnant . The man was revered as one of the most talented and proficient designers in the world. Famous for  his high profile fashion designs. Her father would go on too teacher her the ways of his craft and guide her as she grew up. Orabel idolised her father and as she grew she adopted his talent. However her mother was truly the backbone of her family. Her Faunus mother was kind and caring, always showing love when her father was busy with work.

Orabel was soon sent to learn from manufacturers, engineers and other craftsmen the art of design. Not wanting his daughter  to be limited to one skill and wanting her to understand all aspects of design. Orabels education consisted of engineering, manufacturing,  textile design, and many other aspects of manufacturing and design.    Along with tutoring to unlock her 'gift'. Over time it became clear that although she inherited her mother's looks she definitely inherited her father's skills. At the age of 9 she had became a prodigy of craftsmanship, design, did work at a college level and had already unlocked her semblance Arachne's gift. Her father was impressed at her skills and performance.

Her father brought her  along with him a business trip to atlas  and on the way their airship was hijacked. During the boarding she stumbled and fell out of the turbulent aircraft. Due to the fact that her aura had already been unlocked (In order to master her gift/semblance) she managed to shield herself from most of the force of her fall. The impact still managed knocked her out and gave her amnesia. When she awoke she found herself inside a canopy of a truck with a group of rough looking people and a sneaky looking girl. She soon found out that they had found her in an area notorious for being Grimm infested. She was grateful until they asked for a reward. She soon discovered that they were a  nomadic group that offered goods and protection in return for money. The reason that she was saved was due to the lavishness and quality of the clothing that she was wearing they assumed they could get a ransom or reward for saving her.

After realising that she didn't remember where she was from they planned on getting rid of her unless she proved useful. She soon astonished them with her talent in creating and repairing clothing and equipment and they decided to let her stay. She soon became well acquainted with the girl named Silven and found that she was extremely good at getting what she wanted.She learned that Silven spent her time scamming, cheating and deceiving people with her mannerisms and learned that she was a shrewd negotiator. They soon became partners with Orabel making the goods and the girl selling them.

Over the years Orabel became adept at fending off the Grimm that were commonly attracted to the nomads and became well known throughout the settlements as 'The Golden Seamstress' for her high quality equipment and mending. She was able to fix mend and repair most equipment, clothing and weapons. However she never made contemporary weapons no matter how much was offered. ( she wanted to perfect her knowledge first) and instead she used a simple collapsing sword as her main weapon and made equipment with combat capabilities. SHe was quick on her feet and always looked for an opportunity to learn and scavenge .She had a large collection  of dust which she had taken from destroyed settlements and broken weapons and  was constantly experimenting and selling creations with the help of Silven.

Over time although she lived roaming around the uneducated parts of Vytal outside of settlements she kept most of her regal impression. She simply learned how to switch from one to the other when the situation called for it. One day Orabel and Silven were roaming around one of the barren areas when they noticed a conflict happening . In astonishment they noticed a Huntress fighting off a horde of Grimm. She was heavily wounded with her blood splashing the ground and her movements were sluggish but still strong. Without hesitation Orabel called her friend and they entered the fray . It was one of the most physically taxing things she had ever done, but she enjoyed using her creations to their fullest potential as she synchronized all of her equipment and dust Spindles with her strikes. Hours finally passed and the three of them all collapsed after  finally clearing the Grimm away.

The Huntress called in a evacuation as Orabel and Silven tended to her wounds and she asked Orabel and Silven for their names.  When she heard  Orabel’s name she was taken aback. Nearly everyone in Vale had heard the news about the missing prodigy child that had died from her fall. When she realized that Orabel didn't remember who she was she explained to Orabel about her parents, her family and the fashion empire that her father ran. She was shocked at the revelation and the Huntress promised to return her home. Orabel and Silven were inseparable and Orabel was adamant that Silven join her.

As time went on both her and soon most of the nomads accused them of being idiots and telling tall tales, but Orabel was adamant that they would return and prepared to leave. Weeks later as Orabel had finally given up hope and prepared to roam she heard loud commotion coming from the horizon. Leaving the caravan designated as her home she saw a sight that made her heart leap in her chest. In the distance there was  a group of airships all bearing the mark of her necklace. The symbol the the Huntress had told her was the logo of Arachne Industries. As the airships landed Orabel and Silven confidently left the caravan with their bags and walked into the awaiting doors of the airship . Ignoring the shocked and amazed glances from their neighbours. without a single word being said or a glance backwards they left eager to start their new lives.

When Orabel was reunited with her parents they embraced her with love and affection but although she accepted their kindness she didn't feel  the maternal love she had forgotten. For months Orabel’s parents tried and failed to get her included back into their family circle but Orabell didn't feel fulfilled. Using some of her family's resources she set up her own high profile self defensive fashion line/weapon R&D.
Company: ShowHide
 Golden Ram Productions`~ Your most fashionable line of defense
for high profile customers sometimes collaborating with her father for certain projects. DUe to the nieche that the company filled, her father's high profile connections and the quality of the products. Not to mention the privacy of the transactions of her business allowed her to make large deals with less legitimate customers.

 But even with Orabel’s  high profile connections and a booming business she  still didn't feel complete with her dull life. So she applied to Beacon's entrance exams last minute. No one expected much, The general assumption was that she was a spoiled rich girl with was simply wasting her time with her newfound time. But she proved everyone wrong by getting a high marks on the written exam and High marks in combat ability, though she struggled with combat strategy and planning. She then made her debut at Beacon as a Huntress in training.

Due to her underestimating the amount of effort it would take to both run her company and attend Beacon she became extremely distraught in her first few years. She ended up completely overworked and exhausted almost never getting enough sleep and constantly working. This caused a rift between her and her team. She was unreliable as a teammate and as a person at this time as she was constantly juggling work studies and combat training. It wasn't till a certain point that she completely burnt out becoming apathetic to her team and classes and becoming an unreliable business leader. It wasn't long before she was removed from her position as CEO at her company and lost the trust of her teammates. She ended up withdrawing away from her friends preferring to over indulge  and party to make herself feel better. In her second year her team had disbanded and she was left looking at her own actions. It didn't take long for her to actually see the mistakes that she was making but resolving them was another issue.

Over the next few years she spent the time working back up the ranks of her own company and using her influence to inject one of her faithful longtime employees as CEO giving Orabel a grasp of control in her company. She then became on of the  the Executive Chairmen of her company overseeing the CEO’s decisions while still having a much lighter and more manageable workload. Before long Orabel was back in control of her company, guiding it while still being able to commit time to her Huntress training. She’s now ready to give all of her effort into making her third year a success.


Orabel is a unique  whose morals , personality and actions depend on the situation in front of her she is very manipulative but tends to not use her cunning nefariously. She tends to get petty and has a hot temper. (which she can control in certain situations). Although when she loses her temper she can be extremely brutal in all senses and uses her connection to cover up some of her … Overreactions.

 Her actions are based over the act of overindulgence or taking everything too far. In business Orabel’s thoughts are solely about her bottom line. Although she is not excessively cruel she is a hash and cold mistress in the office Intimidating her staff and demanding results. She tends to come across as cold and cocky and always has a plan in her back pocket. Due to the way she had set up her business it works under the anonymity of its clients and allows Orabel to work with illicit clients and make risky deals without worries about repercussions.

Orabel constantly puts morality aside for the reward of money  doing borderline irredeemable things in business for rewards. Her Illicit deals include things from manufacturing white fang uniforms to creating body armor for known criminals. Due to the structure of the company no records are kept of who clients are and very few staff know the intended use of products.

In public Orabel usually acts formal to compliment her role in society or act extremely self destructive. Her main face she puts on is that of a high class citizen copying the tone and grace with trained ease. But when in a casual setting her facade lifts and she she talks with a drawl (similar to a bostonian accent) and acts rash and reckless. She is extremely cocky but tends to look down on those who brag about achievements they haven't earned and prides herself on her achievements.

When in a recreational setting Orabel tends to go overboard flaunting, acting raunchy, picking fights and being wasteful. She's well known for doing ridiculous things while intoxicated and is known as a party animal.

Orabels lack of self restraint transfers to her personal life too. If she gets an urge or need to have something she will act obsessively until she gets it. The same accounts towards if she becomes infatuated with someone. Although Orabel has had several relationships over the years they were purely recreational and not based on infatuation, and as such Orabel is extremely forward and blunt in expressing any lustful or romantic  emotions. Woe betide any man that Orabel falls in love with.
TLDR: ShowHide

SHe believes that her business, Huntress training and recreation should remain separate and as such tends not to react to situations that mix them or react to moral challenges.
Aura and Semblance:

Arachne's Gift

Orabel`s semblance has two main abilities Feel and Flow.

Feel  gives her the ability to analyse and lightly( very gently ) manipulate fibres of most materials. (any flexible fibrous material can be manipulated.) This precise manipulation is extremely unsubstantial and delicate and the strongest force that can be applied is that of a light push or tug.. This ability is what make Orabel a prodigy at weaving and enables  her to modify and make clothing at ridiculous speeds.
Aura Cost: Extremely Low

Flow causes materials (fibers) that are in constant contact with Orabel’s ambient aura for a long period of time ( a day) can become permanently infused with Orabel’s aura. They can be manipulated telekinetically for a range of (50 m).  It also allows her to remotely discharge the aura and control it  it at her will. Her hair is the most common material she uses a catalyst. Since she has been passively using her semblance through her hair since near birth. Her hair fibers are now innately charged with her aura allowing her to use it in most of her creations. Although a drawback of this is that Orabels hair roots are stimulated by the aura running through and causes her hair to grow at a rapid rate. Infusing an object’s fibers instantly costs 5% of Orabel’s aura.
TLDR: She bleeds aura naturally that can infuse into fabric (And her hair) near her. She can move the object and discharge aura from it.

Quick Infusion Cost: 5%
Manipulation Cost: Aura charge of material

Side Effects: Not only does Orabel’s Semblance speed up the process of her  hair’s natural growth the use of her semblance speeds up that process causing her hair to grow visibly fast as she uses her semblance.
When using her semblance Orabel’s hair glows making it hard to hide her position.

Important!: Due to  the constant bleeding of ambient aura from Orabel she struggles with focusing her aura  to a certain place to defend herself. Due to this she only defends when something seems life threatening or obvious and cannot instinctively shield herself. She also cannot attack while defending herself with aura due to the focus she needs to control her aura.

Combat Behavior:
Orabel is a sub par swordfighter but a extremely powerful mage. Due to her upbringing in the wastelands she is used to fighting unrefined fighters making her overly confident in her close combat skills. She tends to stay in close range until it is clear that her tactics aren't working. Although the movements of her sword fighting are complex, the attacks themselves are predictable and very easy to counter. Her mage abilities are extremely precise and enable her to bring a lot of utility to her teammates allowing them to shape the plateau of a fight by forcing enemies away from certain areas. she can use her close range equipment and swords to ward away close range attacks. while dishing out attacks with her ‘Dust Spindles’. However anyone that can stay in close range and/or dodge or deflect her dust attacks can apprehend her plus her close combat preference leaves her in bad spots to use her mage abilities. Swift or strong enemies may be able to take out Orabel before the fight even starts  by quickly knocking her out or incapacitating her before she has time to react.

sword: ShowHide

Switch Sword
Primary Form:
A Sword….

Tertiary Form:
A folded Sword small enough to be hidden in the spine of specially designed clothes… It's kinda flimsy.

She bought this archaic weapon off of a scrap seller. Its really not that elaborate.
Dust Spindles


The Dust Spindles are strands of her Aura charged hair wrapped and fused around dust crystals. The wrapping of hair around the crystal of dust is similar to that of a spindle. These dust Spindles are Orabel’s most powerful weapons. The Spindles are specifically a dust crystal wrapped in her aura catalyst hair Which is woven with small flakes of kinetic dust in between.They spontaneously react on impact and can be remotely re activated by Orabel with a 4% cost to her aura. The aura infused  hair allows Orabel to reactivate the spindles remotely.

Fire Spindle: 5 feet Ambient ball of heat, Grenade-like Explosion if remotely triggered Lasts 5 seconds

Ice spindle: Ambient ball of cold on impact, Dome or Pillar of Ice if remotely triggered Lasts 5 seconds

Neutral Spindle: Ambient glow on impact, Flash of light if remotely triggered Lasts 10 seconds

Kinetic Spindle: Slow zone on impact, Shockwave if remotely triggered (air feels like water for 2 seconds)

Air Spindle : Does not impact it simply levitates a few feet off the ground, Reactivating allows Orabel to create and direct a strong air current in a direction  or path of her choosing

Electrical Spindle:  Field of ambient electricity on impact(Think a zone filled with lots of static) Lasts 5 seconds, Movable ball of electricity if remotely triggered


She always wears some sort of glove but all of her gloves are reinforced  and have kinetic dust mechanisms wrapped in strands in her hair. Allowing her to safely and controllably activate the kinetic dust . Activating causes a shockwave around her hand that can knock back enemies and knock her backwards if she isn't braced properly. The hair is contained in mechanisms in her gloves similar to aura batteries
[Charges :15]

Housed in all of her shoes is a Fire dust ejector using the same hair mechanic as her gloves. Activating it causes a stream of fire to emit from the bottom of her foot. All of her shoes are obviously heat resistant.
[Charges :10]

Please Note:These  can be reloaded by removing the equipment and replacing special Pre made pads between the seams but takes about a minute for Orabel to do so.


Yandere Theme

Recreational Theme:
Yandere Theme :
Fight Theme:
Cocky Theme:

Approved Characters / Ritika Tierra
« on: September 11, 2016, 04:58:44 PM »


Ritika Tierra
Ex Lieutenant Goliath of the White Fang

45, Born Frost 20, 39 AC

Species and Gender:

Rabbit Faunus



Ex Lieutenant rank White Fang Leader(Double Agent for Atlas), Ex Veteran Specialist (Altesian Huntress), Currently Valish Huntress

Height: 6’2”
Estimated Weight: 180 pounds
(Post amputation)
Augmented Weight: 210 pounds
Face: ShowHide

Rikita has an above average height and weighs in at hundred and eighty pounds. She carries an athletic  muscular build that has been shaped through years of rigorous Huntresses’ training and living as a fighter for the White Fang. Her body is shaped like an athlete and  her every move demands respect. Her skin is a mixed brown blotched with healed scrapes and scars Her eyes are a light brown and are almost always dark ringed as , but if one were too look closer they would see constant focus and alertness. Her ivory hair is in a curly afro-esque style.  Her right arm and left leg have been replaced by sleek cybernetics. Looking expertly made they are glossed and black trimmed with a gold plated lining. While they aren't modified with  weaponry they do provide the crevice of acting as human arms and being made of extremely tough metal alloy. A pair of brownish grey bunny ears poke from the top of her  head but one is torn in half diagonally.

She keeps a basic style of clothing loosely based off of her original Altesian uniform. Now she wears a brown tank top under a Formal grey vest and long grey skirt  Under which she keeps her white fang mask.  The top half of the face that covers the eyes has been shattered and she wears it to mock members of the white fang while fighting them.

TL DR: ShowHide

Her family was part of the original White fang peacekeeping organization
She was born during the end of the Faunus Rights revolution
She strived to prove the merits of Faunus in Atlas her entire life.
She was a renowned fighter in tournaments before entering Atlesian military school
She was cheated out of graduation and beat her teacher in a  duel to prove her  standing.
She became freelance and alleged herself with the White Fang Peacekeepers.
SHe became known as Lieutenant Goliath a bloodthirsty leader of the white fang
When the white fang changed she stayed as a double agent for Atlas
She was found out and tortured before being rescued by Atlas
SHe was helped in military tribunal for her actions even though she had authorization. (due to atlas not wanting to lose face)
She transferred to vale

Three years after the war and under the union of the White Fang peace had finally come to the world. With that came opportunity, Rittika as a child was extremely timid and scared not used to the outside due to her life in solitude. But her parents ushered her to be brave and confident. Due to the discrimination of others Her parent knew that in order for her to succeed in life she needed to be exceptional and groomed her as such.. She began to develop a no nonsense attitude  and  was taught to be extremely prideful and was not above fighting to defend her heritage and honor of being a Faunus. She had an advantage as she was usually bigger than her bullies and used her large size and gait to her advantage intimidating those who would try to bully her. and physically  retaliating against those who got too close.

Throughout her years of school life she wanted to serve the Atlesian military  as an Specialist (Altesian Huntress) and she strived to make herself as perfect as possible. She constantly pushed away recreational activity if it didn't have any benefit to her reputation, she trained studied and perfected everything she could . But even that wasn't enough and when she finally entered her Elementary Huntress training she was constantly put down, Discredited from all of her deeds and sabotaged by her fellow students teachers and all others around her. She knew that if this continued that she wouldn't have a change attending a true huntress academy so she planned how to make the ultimate impression. For days on end she constantly spent most of her time in the forge  spending a  maddening amount of time in the sweaty forge for hours.

Finally months later the day before the public fight exhibition her Magnus Opus was finally complete. Covering it with a cloak she had made to match her uniform. WHen she arrived her classmates were all talking and admiring their own weapons. All laughing and chatting happily and mocking the few who had standard or unfinished weapons. When Ritika's name was called she walked up to the platform dramatically threw off her cloak and unsheathed the strange amalgamation of a weapon they had ever seen. It seemed to look like two strange metal mechanisms that had strange rocks sticking out of them. Everyone burst out laughing as her fight began sure it would be a curbstomp and waited for Ritika to lose… If only they knew better. WIth the flick of a switch and a pulse of her aura Her weapon seemed to grow as if alive into metal plated broadsword made with a brown earth like material.

She smiled as she sheathed one of her swords and held her other defensively. Her opponent smirked and charged trying to catch her off guard and knocked  Ritika backwards. as he charged again Rikita swung her weapon towards him quickly and the Orb in the center glowed dimly. As the weapons clashed Ritika’s downward strike shattered the cheaply bought weapon. The blunt crystalline sword   struck down down on her opponent's shoulder. the speed of the swing combined with Ritikas shear strength  smashed him down to the ground.  Ritika proceeded to annihilate the competition. She ended up coming in second in the tournament and finally had the attention of others. Although she was treated by some administrative staff as a prodigious fighter` she was still shunned. Her heritage was still ridiculed and now even some  teachers actively tried to sabotage her progress.Everything about her was analysed and picked apart  to the point where  with her normally near perfect marks she was barely near graduation status.

. .

Finally at the final year she smiled as she reviewed her end of term marks, she felt a swelling sense of pride as she looked at her passing grade. Putting on her uniform and buttoning her awards to her chest she marched in the Graduation parade to become a registered Specialist. As the General concluded the ceremony his face said it all. He he as confused as she was. As she marched off the parade square as she rushed towards the teacher she knew was responsible. She challenged him to a duel in the Altesian grand arena for her honor. The teacher smugly agreed ready to crush what was left of her reputation. 

As the swords clashed and  the crowd cheers Rikita was filled with anger and determination. That day she fought harder than she ever had before and what she lacked in experience  she made up two times over with rage and brute strength. The whole fight seemed evenly matched with  the advantage of aura and tactics being in her tormentors favor. WIth a mix of determination and extreme luck she was able to win against the Beacon staff..She forced him to admit what she had been put through and how her marks had been skewed in front of everyone. After this became international scandal she was granted honorary Huntress status and offered the chance to become a Member the Altesian Order of Specialists

But she refused… she felt that she would never be treated as an equal in the eyes of  humans and became a  freelance Huntress. and joined the ranks of the peacekeeping forces of the White Fang the same organisation her parents supported. years and decades went by and she felt like she found the place she belonged. She help travel around the world protecting Faunus and helping to take out anti Faunus criminals. With her weapon at her side she protected Faunus settlements from threats, hunted down prejudiced criminals and spread the word of peace  and equality throughout Remnant until… the leadership changed.

Under the new crimson banner of the White Fang bloodshed and violence were the main goals . Most peacekeeping operations were disbanded and those who did not agree with the ‘new goal’ of the White Fang were removed from the organisation. Although Ritika initially agreed with the new direction of the organization she wasn't ready for the levels of destruction and bloodshed. Contacting a military contact that she knew from the academy she explained the situation . He told her in order to truly perform her duties as a Specialist she had to infiltrate the organization. and report details of their actions to him. He would then report to Altesian higher ups to minimize damage and losses.

She agreed and began trying to move her way up through the rankings of the White Fang . Due to  her disproportionate strength compared to the rest of the Organization she was used as a trump card, sent in the front lines for areas and places they wanted to be annihilated. Every action that she made  felt wrong every time she attacked an innocent or destroyed buildings she felt disgusted with herself but she knew deep within her soul that in a twisted way she was doing the right thing. Even if it meant betraying her allies and her own values.

She soon learnt that the leaders of the White Fang judged by the amount of fear and influence caused by each individual. so in order to grow higher up in raking she became more destructive and cruel. She preached the ways of the Fang to newcomers, she raved about the cruelty of humans and she destroyed anyone in her way. She demonstrated dominance by calling back her troops and storming areas, drawing fire for the rest of her ‘allies’. Whether it was clearing areas of Grimm or  fighting off Kingdom reinforcements she was an absolute powerhouse. In fact to earn her title  when on a scouting mission they were attacked by  several Grimm and a Goliath  several stories high. Most of her squad ran away and when they returned they found a smoking corpse with  Ritika laughing in the middle. Her next promotion she was dubbed Lieutenant Goliath and given the mask.

But of course her actions started to take a toll on her. the weight of her horrible actions lay heavy on her heart  and her leadership started to be called into question.Her luck in keeping her true allegiances secret ran out during a raid of a Valish dust factory. Due to a warning sent by Ritika multiple hunters were there to ambush them. Most of the White Fang soldiers with her were killed and captured and Ritika was heavily injured. Upon returning she collapsed, while she was taken to the infirmary they found Ritikas Altesian scroll on her person with messages about various planned raids and missions.

The majority of the White Fang was kept unaware of this development. And only a few of the higher ups at this particular base were kept  knowledgeable of the situation.They knew that if the fabled Lieutenant Goliath was known to be a traitor it would be a huge hit to moral. Therefore under the guise that she had to be transferred for medical treatment Ritika was locked in an underground cell. It wasn't long before her interrogation started. Hours sloughed slowly like days and she was beaten and attacked  every waking moment brought more and more pain but she held on by a thread. Weeks passed and the leader of the base grew enraged at the lack of information. SHe was then brutally interrogated  with more refined techniques the beatings.For hours the process continued until  she passed out. The next day he claimed that a traitor like her had no right to be a Faunus  and slowly cut parts of her Faunus ears off. Se finally let it slip that she was in contact with a Hunter from Atlas. Satisfied that he finally got some of the information that he needed she spat at her and left .

The next few days she was given the normal interrogations and she could feel herself at her wit's end. She knew she couldn't hold out for much longer and constantly thought of ways to end her life or escape. but before she gained the chance the Leader returned with her weapon in hand again.  This time he interrogated her as he swung at her left leg. As she felt the pain and the sickening sound again she broke. She babbled how she had been in contact with a member of Atlesian military she sobbed about how  she leaked information and how she was never truly part of the new order of the White Fang. Enraged by her statements  the WF leader kept swinging at her leg until it was a useless husk and then threw her Grand Opposition in front of her and left. Ritika laughed and sobbed at the situation she was in . Her weapon was right in front of her but she was far too weak and broken to even touch it.

Between her small bouts of lucidity and fevered unconsciousness she heard some strange noises in the distance. Rumblings, explosions gunfire and the sound of weapons clashing. she thought they were part of her dreams  some desperate hallucination of being saved but it was not. Bursting through the cell walls were a squad of Altiesian knights led by Specialist that she had been in contact with. Picking her up and cradling her  broken body he returned to the airship and immediately transferred her to the medical bay. Her recovery took many months and required the amputation of her right arm from the shoulder and her left leg from the top of the thigh. Her medical expenses were paid for by her altesian Hunter ally. When she was mentally and physically well enough shape to wheel herself around  they both requested  audience with an Altesian Governor.

He let out a little chuckle “All I see is someone taking advantage of their situation. You were an active and influential member of the White Fang who was well known beforehand for defaming the Altesian institutions “ As Ritika tried to interject he cut her off again, “Yes yes I understand that you believe you were doing it for the interests of our kingdom. But I cannot let this slide, For this reason your.. fate will be settled in a governmental tribunal.”

Over the next few months as she continued to heal and slowly regain her strength she was put through countless interrogations. Every day were more questions, polygraph tests, written statements . During this time she received a cheap cybernetic arm and leg. When the long and arduous trial was over and she was re-compensated they expected her to fade out of memory. But that was not going to happen. Using the money Ritika revamped her cybernetics  with extremely strong armor plating and upgraded the reflexes and reactionary time of it. Then after which she applied to recommence her career not as part of the Atlesian Military but as a Huntress. Although the mental and physical wounds were still fresh, there was no way she could stay still any longer. Despite some discomfort  Ritika was still at the strength of a Veteran Huntress with more experience than most .  Upon becoming evaluated and recertified for duty she found herself tired of the Military bureaucracy of Atlas and wanted a more relaxed setting. Remembering a kingdom she had enjoyed being near while traveling with the White Fang.  She transferred to Vale anxious to resume fighting to protect others.


All of her life Ritika has fought for others feeling that she had to use her life for the gain of others and defending her own pride for the the honor of other Faunus. She  had devoted her life  to be an example for others  willing to be used until she was to be thrown away. She was the model Huntress fighting for the honor and beliefs of others and not her own. This has caused her heart to be filled with resentment of which she tries to hide .

When the White Fang shifted from a banner of peace to terror she new she had to defend  the kingdom's by sending information to them. But having to do so many actions of  hatred and anger caused her values and motives began to erode. Her grip on who she really was began to slip away and she found herself halfway between acting and believing on who she was. The role of being a white fang Lieutenant began to become a reality and although she regretted it , she began to enjoy the pain she caused others.To this day when stressed she tend to slip into the role she had been given by the white fang , becoming cruel and barbaric. 

Ritika is a strong willed individual whose heart is torn between loyalty and regret. On the outside she portrays herself as an unwavering ally to help those in need . With her steadfast  exterior  and the actions of  a kind and merciful fighter who will give her life to protect people who cannot help themselves. But Inside Ritika struggles with containing her elegance and keeping her constant facade of obedience.

Ritika her formality in speaking and posture comes off as stiff ,as she is almost always on the alert  and almost never relaxes. Her temperament tend to be unwavering always having a somewhat serious expression. Her attitude is no nonsense and she does not hesitate to chew out anyone that does something wrong. Ritika almost never give a person a second chance but always gives them the benefit of the doubt, Betray her  or lie to her once and she’ll abandon you. But get on her good side and she’ll protect you with her life.

Aura and Semblance:
Aura color Brown

Shuddering Field:
Ritika’s semblance causes a wispy aura to form around her limbs and extremities . This aura acts an enhancer to her movement creating a slipstream in the air around her and acting against opposing forces. (For example air resistance , friction) This increases her speed by 35% and aids her agility.  The slipstream tend to blow away gases and small particles away from her extremities. (creating a low pressure area around her body.) This low pressure areas is enough to blow away dust (the dirt kind). (Not enough to stop flames or any sort of projectile. Mainly for aesthetics)

This buff acts in bursts for 30 seconds and has a cost of 3% aura with a cooldown of one minute. This cooldown can be negated with additional strain with an exponential cost of double the cost or the previous buff whenever it is used on its cooldown. (Ex: 3,6,9,18)

Combat Behavior:
In low stakes combat Ritika puts on a  facade of laziness. She acts nonchalant and  makes quips to irritate her opponent and to make them off balance. When engaged in combat  she adjusts her posture  to seem like she isn't paying attention and using minimal effort  to catch her opponent off guard. She always analyses the fight and adjusts her movements on the fly making sure to constantly use her surroundings to her advantage.

Ritika is a Juggernaut in its purest form using the momentum manipulating power of her weapon to launch herself into the fray. She used her experience to change her fighting style mid fight to either outmaneuver or overpower her opponent. The different forms of her weapon make her a swiss army knife of close range combat  although she is not without some embarrassing weaknesses.

Using her weapon in a large forms makes it more prone to being broken by her opponent , and due to her fighting style she is at a large disadvantage against precise pointed weapons such as (rapier, javelins, spears etc.) and her weapon while in its large for is prone to breaking against other large weapons.  due to her  style being in large sweeping blows.  As well breaking her weapon leaves her extremely vulnerable. As well her weapon can not become smaller or thinner than a traditional shortsword.

The main problem with her fighting style is that most of her attacks are up close and personal. Fighting from range is an weakness of hers as well the fact that her weapon is very destructible.

Mastered weapon styles:
General Bladed combat
Bludgeoning weapons
Shortsword (single & dual wielding)
Longsword  (single & dual wielding)
Zweihander (single & dual wielding)
Hand to Hand
Basic Firearms


Badly Drawn Diagram: ShowHide

Destiny and Downfall The Grand Opposition (Duel blades)
Inactive Form:
(Note the weight of the weapon increases proportionate to the size in its different forms.)

The inactive form of the weapon is simply the handle and hilt with a ½ inch metal rod made out of extremely tensite resistant metal. Telescoping from the hilt. Inside the handle is a dust system which its purpose is to manipulate with to manipulate the mass, shape and density with earth dust and raw kinetic dust control the size and shape to be manipulated.  It does have the drawback though of chipping every few hits against any  harder substances . (Huntress Grade metal) And constant hard hits with the blade can cause Ritika or her opponent to crack or shatter the blade of it .Though it can be regrown over time. (Reforms when activated at about five seconds when damaged, ten seconds as well as 20 seconds when changing forms

The handle’s control system is an extremely intricate design made tailored to RItika , it requires a constant focus on both controlling the blade and fighting, which has become second nature to Ritika. Now it simply has a few ‘Present settings’: Shortsword Longsword Zweihander and Blunt Longsword, That are to be used in combat although the sword can be fine tuned if Ritika is not in combat.

Primary Form:
The  Rod in the grip the sword telescopes up to a maximum of about six feet, of which the earth dust grows around

Dust Functions:
The earth dust in the center can be triggered with a press of a trigger on the guard. This will instantaneously generate a large amount of compressed earth inside the rod \,increasing the weight of the sword 2x temporarily while the kinetic dust will also double the momentum. Releasing the trigger-like button will halt those dust functions instantly.


Ritika used all the resources at her disposal including teachers , friends and  professional advice to create this swiss army knife of a weapon. It has been at her side since her days at Atlas academy and  is her pride and joy.


Standard Issue Altesian Pistol

A simple 40. Caliber Handgun usually used when Ritika needs a breather or is out of range.

Approved Characters / Violet Menagerie
« on: September 11, 2016, 04:58:16 PM »


Violet Menagerie

18 Saaral 01, 61 AC
Species and Gender:

Female Human


Symbol: ShowHide

Ex Anti-Faunus activist, Ex Indoctrinate, First Year
Violet: ShowHide

Height: 5 feet
Weight: 165

Violet usually has a  purple hair pulled into a ponytail, violet eyes,freckles and a dark complexion. Violet’s hair is actually a wig hiding the patchwork baldness of her damaged scalp.  She wears  a conservative unassuming style of dress tending to wear semi formal clothing and never showing skin, not even her hands. Her body is laced with patches of scarring  from burns and skin grafts that cover most of her extremities and body , her neck and parts of her face. She wears makeup to cover her facial scarring and cultist tattoos.

When visible her arms and legs are patchy and discolored as well as as having a rough puckered texture . In school uniform she forgoes the traditional skirt for the pants of the male uniform. She wears glasses  and is always wearing fingerless leather gloves to cover her scarred hands.  She is wide but small and not very endowed  she is very stocky and, a very muscular. Her combat clothing usually the same as her formal dress. She has purple markings on the side of her cheeks which were part of her initiation into a Faunus hunting sect which was run by members of old discriminatory families. Although her involvement with the organisation was kept private Her tattoos would be recognizable to any members of the white fang or anyone who had reason to be wary of the organisation.

Violet was born to a family deeply rooted in the anti-Faunus community. Her father Anthony Mesker was an engineer and her mother Cecilia Mesker was a historian. Although their relationship seemed normal they both were extremists who devoted every waking moment towards the downfall of Faunus. The entire family tree had been planted, rooted, and grown on the seeds of hatred towards the Faunus race. Within the years of their despise they brewed the idea of the extermination of Faunus. With the misguided notion that they somehow guarded the purity of society. At the end of the Faunus rights revolution they legally changed their family title to Menagerie to protest the inclusion of Faunus into normal society. However without their notice the newly developed Menagerie name were quickly becoming outliers. With the coming of the new age prejudices were slowly being dropped. Faunus were becoming more accepted into society as a whole. The house of Menagerie were slowly becoming more irrelevant as time marched on. The old rage beaten family however were as determined more than ever to bring about their ideals into place. Fueled with rage and hate they continued to pronounce their prejudice and extremist ideas.

The age old family desperately tried to cling to whatever they could to stay afloat. Finally isolated from society the Menageries were forced to receded. Clinging to their wealth and leftover anger like cinder and ashes from a forest fire. The family knew their empire which had taken years to build was falling. So when they had their child they immediately started to indoctrinate her into their beliefs. She was 'Home schooled' and had limited experience with the outside world.  She learned to hate and resent Faunus and viewed them as inferior creatures just as her ancestors had. As her mother and father were constantly involved in violent anti-faunus activities and they told her of their deeds for bedtime stories. She idolized them and viewed them as heroes and defenders of society. Although she believed in such horrible thing, her mind was pure simply believing that it was the way the world worked and never questioning her beliefs.

One day while her mother was singing her a lullaby and tucking her into bed there was a loud crash heard coming from downstairs. Her parents quickly ushered her to hide under her bed and not to move until they came back.  She heard scuffling as they left the room, metallic screeching echoed as her parents made their departure. It was her mother and father arming themselves. Mother and father were going to kill some of the degenerates and they would return to tell her stories. Security and comfort had just began to settle in when suddenly concern sprouted into her heart. The loud racket of a blade and bullets flying was very evident as the battle raged on outside, however it stopped far too quickly. Moments later there was nothing but eerie silence that filled her room. The unfamiliar sound filled her ears as the sonata of silence reigned in the space.  Moments passed as she waited, waited for anything to happen. For her parent to come back with shouts of glory. For her parents to shower her with wisdom and stories. Her parents comfort never came. The odor of smoke and copper filled her nostrils and her lungs intoxicating her.

Finally the growing concern and confusion got the best of her caution and she left her hiding space and walked out of her room. The sight that fell before her became burned into her memory. A scalding iron of horror and fear which burned into her mind. Her parents were sprawled at the top of the steps their bodies almost unrecognizable riddled with bullet holes and slash marks. Violet didn't know how long she stared confused and numb at her parents corpses. Nothing her parents had taught her could have prepared her for this. She knew that parents  always survived no matter what the odds. Violet was jolted out of her disturbed stupor by a yell of a man from downstairs pointing at her.  She tried to run but she had nowhere to go.The men were Faunus and bore the badges of the White Fang the so called peacekeeping organisation.

A rush of feelings ran throughout her mind; rage, indignation and a strange feeling of dishonored pride.  They spent a large deal of time mocking her, beating her and intimidating her. Fear gripped her body but even at her young age she was resolved to uphold the pride her parents had done. No matter the amount of tears that ran down her face or the burns that scorched her skin. Her eyes never betrayed a glare that displayed years of manifested hatred.

After the home was extinguished the house was deemed structurally unsafe and since it wasn't expected for anyone to survive the search of the house was but on a low priority . After a few hours investigators went through the house. They were surprised to find a little girl in critical condition but alive. Many burns, cuts, and sunken skin littered body like freckles would a normal child.

 She was taken to the hospital. Days of treatment stretched longer than her imagination. Tubes and medication pumped in and out of her. Boredom settled in like a heavy fog. It teased her with its presence. She was left with her thoughts of revenge brooding in her like a plague. After what seemed to be an eternity she met her Uncle Mesker the head of the Menagerie family. He took custody of her in the absence of the parents until further notice. He informed her when she was out of earshot of any undesirable attention that he was going to finish what her parents had started. He informed her of a couple of wealthy individuals that were funding a training and strategic facility for anti Faunus combatants known as the Silver Bullet. When she first showed herself to the group she was met with disbelief. She was frail looking little girl with scars that marked her back and torso. Discolored flesh which marked her arms and legs. They expected her to be a burden but to their surprise she kept up with the other trainees. Over years she trained tirelessly over the other students. She strived to be the best student to fulfill her a silent oath. At the end of basic training she was considered to be a model combatant. Not because she was more athletic or smarter but due to her drive, cruelty and delusional loyalty . The other trainees rebelled, whined and complained  about being trained. They also questioned the things that were said about faunus.  but Violet’s resolve was absolute driven by fantasies, with the belief that her actions were is some twisted way for the  betterment  of society.

Over time she was dubbed VIce a nickname that soon turned into a a name of fear. SHe went over and above order making sure to cause the most pain, agony, and fear possible . She was to to uphold her parents martyrdom dn would take every chance she could take to put the Faunus in their place. Her actions and motif becoming grotesque and disturbing for her young appearance. a point where she was starting to be constantly  reprimanded by her handlers for causing too much of a disturbance . Although she had long past the point of rationality she was rewarded and celebrated for her enthusiasm in her sect.

On her 12th birthday she was rewarded for her tireless efforts. Her uncle gave her a weapon called Rancor. It was a combination of both her mother's blades and her father's rifle in a staffed housing.  At the the age of 15 she was sent out on a mission to kill a white fang operative during a protest rally… Needless to say it went horrible, Common sense dictates that a child had absolutely no chance in taking an operative from the New violent order of the  White Fang at her age no matter how much training or experience she had she had . After an  extremely short fight Violet was arrested. But her confessions sent waves of revulsion through the Valish community. Although her Alias was kept private it was known that countless hate crimes , brutal assaults , murders and attacks were caused by a group made primarily up of children and not even to mention that  more than half of them was done solely by one child. Some members of her Organisation were captured and  the Valish authorities had to decide what to do with her. This sick twisted teenager had hurt and killed so many people, but it astounded them when they heard the children's  motivations. SHe and many other people believed themselves to be heroes , saviors of humanity against the Faunus scrounge. They believed that Faunus would taint and overtake humanity if left to be treated as equals and believed with all their heart that they were in the right.

On one hand it might of seemed pitiful to sentence a teen to life but on another hand there must had been some bribery involved or extremely softhearted officials to do what they did. EIther by a stroke of luck or god knows what . VIolet was made part of a new project and inducted into an organisation specifically made to unradicallize and reintegrate Criminals into society.
She was soon sent to an organization that specialized  in the rehabilitation of indoctrinated and misguided youth. Sent to this facility Violet was abruptly introduced to the world that would make her better. A rhythmic schedule became beaten into her head everyday as she felt her morals and feelings being eroded away. Learning, training, evolving, repenting, it all became too familiar. Her once sturdy resolve broke under the weight of her extended training. She watched as her once strong beliefs fled from her under the stress put under her by the organization.

But All was not good with the shift of her morals Violet had gained a conscience, hindsight, and empathy towards the things that she had done and it cut through her facade like a knife . For a few months she simply shut down deep in self reflection and self loathing cycle that made her hate herself beyond belief . ANd soon her nerves failed her ,. She became anxious triggered not by her past experiences but by her past action her atrocities so horrendous and the memory of them scared her and she needed to be medicated to keep her anxiety in check. But though all of this Violet notice the difference between the life she led before and the place she was in now.

In that place however there was hope. People smiled genuine smiles as the doctors and therapists helped her overcome her prejudices. She trained hard not only mentally but kept improving on her physical strength any time she wasn't in treatment. She still wanted to be a hero . but not a face one governed by ignorance and prejudice but a real hero who helped those who couldn't and stood for the betterment of humanity as a whole. SHe wanted to live by the morals of a huntress not only for herself but, to impress the allies she had formed as they spent countless hours trying to rewrite what her parents had done. While not everything could be purged from her consciousness as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into years she found herself ready to confront the world as a new person. Perhaps she was haunted by memories that could never go away but, she would always strive to be a stronger, better, and much more of a hunter then her parents ever would have been. When she left for the Beacon entrance exam she gave her weapon a more fitting name… Vindication.


Violet is a contradictory individual who acts  completely different to how she feels. Violet is very self conscious and tends to force people away that she expects to hurt or disappoint.  She acts extremely shy and reserved tending not to speak unless necessary. Violet has impulses of rashness and aggressiveness but makes a constant conscious effort to control her reactions and speech. Her speech is airy, raspy and hard to hear  from a combination of damage from smoke inhalation and her low tone of voice.  Violets way of controlling her impulsive acts by slowly processing every word before she says it, That causes her to stammer as she questions and second guesses her words. She is very analytical but a lack of early education can cause her to overlook very obvious things. Violet is extremely jaded and can deal with and endure situations that would curl the blood of many . She has a morbid sense of humor and can become extremely cruel if angered or if the need arises. Although she tries to come across as a genuinely kind person she always has to make an effort to do so. Her shy personality is more like method acting as she tries to convince herself to act a certain way. Piss her off too much and she’ll throw away all semblance of  modesty and will go into a rage.

She has a belief in honor and wants to make the most of her second chance, and takes the role of a Huntress in Training. Although Violet has resolved most of her misguided thought about Faunus, she still has tendencies to act uncivil. If Violet is very upset she  she loses her ability to filter what she says before she speaks.

If in an emotionally stressful situation for an extended period of time Violet tends to be bad at coping with emotions going into a anxiety attack-esque state. She tend to hyperventilate and can forget what situation she is isn't or how to react.  She can take medication to help calm her down but this only slightly helps but taking too much in a short period of time will leave her in an dazed depersonalized state  and will leave her vulnerable if she is in a dangerous combat state. (although she can hold her own against someone exponentially weaker than her in this state.)

Violet had been raise to conduct herself in an high class matter and although these habits sad fallen out of use over the years Violet can easily slip into the role of a high class citizen , as well ad copy that meticulous frightening confidence of her mother with ease.
It should be noted that Violet is traumatized by fire and outside of a combat or mission scenario , a sudden burst of heat or flame can frighten her.

She is ashamed at the things her family has done but she still loves and respects her parents . In her own words. “They may have been horrible people … but they lived and died for what they believed in and although they were on the wrong path... I can't hate the ones who loved me.”

Aura and Semblance:
Aura Color: Violet

Violet can temporarily project  her field of aura off of the surface of her body and sustain it within a 5 foot radius. This allows her to push objects (and people) away from her as well while creating a tangible shield-like force field , to deflect and block projectiles or objects. Although the aura cost is generally small in quick bursts. A constant field of force will exponentially drain her aura. The Aura cost also increases based on how much force is behind her push. She also cannot push herself off the ground though she can cushion herself and deflect herself off of walls.

The push works like a activated form of auras natural rebounding reflex although it has varying limitations; Although it doesn't have a minimal pressure It maximizes at  about the force of a body check. The durability of the shield is negligible although a large amount of impact to the shield will push her backwards. A Second long burst  at max power  uses about 5% of her aura. For every additional second another 10% is added. Using her semblance disables her natural aura barrier for twenty times the time used.

Violet can use this semblance in a weaker but concentrated fashion  (this requires a great deal of effort, focus and is not something she can do in focused combat.) by protecting her aura field off of an extremity. (such as an arm or a leg) This costs far less aura (without an exponential cost or aura disable) but had the downside of not working as a barrier. (only applies force)

Her uncle also gave her a necklace made up of five of her mother's pearls before her first mission. After the fact she learnt that these were modified to work as Foci for her semblance. She keeps the necklace but doesn't show it off, instead she wraps it around her forearm under her clothes. They can be opened by unscrewing the halves and filled with a mixture of fire dust

 Activating it converts her repulsing aura to fire allowing her to defend herself with waves of fire.

Combat Behavior:
Violet’s fighting style encompasses her personality as a enigma. Instead of staying at long range and shooting from behind cover like most marksmen, she prefers to stay in a mid to close range. She uses her semblance and bladed staff to create opportunities for point blank shots. Her extremely strong upper body allows her to take her guns recoil and attack with her blows with minimal fatigue. With much training she has come to use the crescent strike style. This style includes multiple devastating strike in the form of crescent formed swings. Very effective against almost any opponent it allows her to swiftly take down foes and use remaining momentum to carry on to the next target. However she learned to combine this style with one of her own making a frankenstein version of both. She named the style turbulent strike. It allows her to switch between her staff and gun forms to deliver sweeping strikes then riddle her enemies with bullet holes. While it looks graceful it can leave her severely off balance. Adding to this one of her greatest weaknesses is in her attitude. She hates being at the back of fights and tend to get impatient when waiting for opportunities to attack. While her turbulent strike style allows her to be quite the fighter her lack of true mobility leaves her in tight spots. Persistent opponents won't give her a chance to prepare her rifle and faster opponents will be able to stop her strikes in their place.


Primary Form:
Her weapon is a bladed segmented staff which is made up of two revolving firearms. The barrels, trigger and handles all collapse into the staff. The two guns which make up the staff are  shorter than average (for wieldability reasons). The staff comes with an adjustability feature which optimizes it for hand-to-hand combat. Two 10 inch serrated knifes can we suddenly affixed to either end with a push of a button, making them emerge from with within the staff . Vindication is  painted a sleek combination of grey and silver which when wielding it up close make it seem like a blur. Its fighting style encourages a mid ranged to long ranged fighting style. Even though it has it’s melee blades coming in close will reveal the natural weakness of any staff. The inability to strike without room to move and adjust.

Secondary Form:
Multiple flush buttons around the segmented part of the staff can be pressed to separate it into two rods. (The gun functions are still hidden) In this form buttons near the base/muzzle will consume a bullet to fire off the blades. The blades which are attached by a 5 foot chain can be retracted by pressing the buttons again.

Tertiary Form:
Pressing one of the multiple buttons near the end blades will retract the blade and reveal the gun functions. Her bullets are held in special holders on her belt as well as organized pouches. which can be reloaded into the gun at once or one at a time.
Dust Functions:
The special bullet holders are marked  for the types of dust in them. .

Special Holders always contain:
3 BB

Black Bullet:
Regular shot = Regular Piercing bullet
Blade =  Normal

Red Bullet:
Regular shot = Incendiary bullet with a radius of fire on impact and a small explosion
Blade = Becomes red hot when fired

Blue Bullet:
Regular shot = Creates a 5 foot ball of Ice on contact
Blade = Freezes on contact

White Bullet:
Regular shot = Creates a small shock-wave on Impact
Blade = Goes extremely fast


The weapons are modified combinations of her parents weapons. After her parents died her uncle took years combining the old  weapons for Violet.

Her weapon is a bladed segmented staff at the end of which are two made  8 shot revolving rifles. The staff is shorter than average (for wieldability reasons) and has two 6 inch blades on the end (the stock of the rifles) The Holo sights, triggers and mechanisms are collapsed while in the staff form.

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