"I'd certainly be interested in meeting it. Or them."
"...Uhh, I'd probably want to protect them from harm, even if they don't really need my help."
"Wow, that'd be amazing! Think of the knowledge such minds could've accumulated over the eons!"
"As long as no one tries to use them against anything other than Grimm, I'd be a-okay with it."
"Life comes in all shapes and sizes. Why not in that form? Plus if they have their own voices, they're very probably sentient, so they'd be even more like the rest of us. Apart from the 'reshaping reality' thing, but if they don't abuse it, I don't see why I wouldn't want to hug them!"
"Hellooooo? Have you seen my mother and her siblings?"
"Finally, someone I can really relate to! I'm kidding, of course, but it'd probably be fun to have a chat."
"Well, us Kryal are pretty much that, so I guess that as long as they're not bad guys or anything, I'd be glad to visit them every so often."